Chapter Forty-Four

Start from the beginning

Here's to hoping the dinner rush goes by quickly!

The smile is still on my face as I glance back down at my phone, but it drops from my lips as my eyebrows draw together in confusion. An unread message from an unknown number shows on the screen, and I hesitate for a moment before clicking on it.

Unknown- Why did you do it?

The message contains only those five words, which leaves me more confused. Why did I do what? I think to myself. I don't remember giving my number to anyone new, so I have no idea who this could be.

Me: Who is this?

My reply is simple, but I needed more context if they wanted an answer to their question. Who sent a message like that as their first text to someone, anyway?

After a couple of minutes waiting for a response that doesn't come, I shake my head and shove my phone back in my pocket before heading back inside. "Even table five is more interesting than you, Mr. Unknown Number." I mutter before hanging up my coat and retying my apron before getting back to work.


Harvey greets me the moment I step through the door, and I laugh before scooping him up. "There's my favorite doorman!" I giggle as I scratch his ears. "Which reminds me, how do you feel about another one of you running around here?" Harvey cocks his head, not understanding a single word I'm saying. "Mhm. Well, you'd better figure it out before Ry gets home because there's a good chance you might be a big brother in the next few weeks."

Harvey only sticks his tongue out as he pants, and I laugh as I head into the bedroom. I set him on the bed before grabbing the laundry basket near the closet to begin putting clothes away. Next, I straighten up the living room and kitchen before sweeping and vacuuming the apartment.

As I'm lighting a candle in the kitchen, my phone rings. I set the lighter down and answer my phone, assuming it's Rylie or my mother. "Hello?"

"Why did you do it?"

The voice on the other end is faint, and I don't recognize it. I pull the phone away from my ear briefly and frown when I read the unknown number from earlier.

"Who is this?" I ask, hoping they answer my question this time.

"Why did you lie?" They say, ignoring my question.

"Lie? Who is this?" I ask again, feeling my frustration rise. They hang up without an answer and I jump as the door opens to my left. I set my phone down as Rylie comes through the door with her arms full of groceries.

"Who was that?" She asks, and I hurry over to help her put the groceries away.

"I'm not sure, I think it was a prank call. They also texted me earlier."

"Weird," Rylie responds as she opens the fridge. "Maybe just block the number?" She suggests.

"Yeah, that's a good idea." I reply, but before I can block them, she makes her way over to me.

"I missed you." Rylie's hands quickly find my waist, pulling everything else from my mind.

"I think I missed you more." I murmur as I pull her into my arms. Her smell instantly floods my senses, doing wonders to dissolve all of my frustration and stress that had built up during the day. Her screams are soft beneath my hands, but they're not the kind of soft I'm wanting to feel. Her skin, however...

My fingers quickly find the hem of her shirt and I slide my hands underneath, smirking when she shivers. "I missed touching you." I murmur as I run my fingers up and down her back.

A North Carolina AutumnWhere stories live. Discover now