Aizen merely chuckled at his words as he toke his stance. No longer wielding his sword. "Then come at me, King of Kings! I will devour you to reach new heights!"

The king did as told and charged at the Aizen unarmed. His weapons in the Gate of Babylon grew in power with him but this fight is more than that. This battle is to prove that his will is stronger than Aizen's. That is why Aizen did not use his weapon.

When the King reached Aizen he stomped on the universe below them. Destroying it and Aizen's footing along with it. He then hit Aizen in the chest with enough force to send him into another universe that broke his momentum.

The King then appeared before Aizen to continue his assault but Aizen deflected the King's punch and countered by kicking him in the chest. Causing Gilgamesh to double over. Allowing Aizen to grab him by the head and bring his head down to his knee.

Making Gilgamesh's upper body snap back. Aizen took advantage of this by jumping over the King and grabbing him by the jaw as he slammed him into the universe below them. Breaking it as they started to free fall.

As they fell, Gilgamesh grabbed Aizen's foot and used him to break his fall when they crashed into a universe below them. Once again breaking it. To get back at the King, Aizen headbutted him and maneuvered him to be under Aizen's feet as they came into contact with a rather large universe.

The universe held firm as Aizen jumped away from the King. Gilgamesh got up as he had to readjust his neck from it breaking upon impact. Looking upon his smirking rival he chuckled and rushed at him once again.

Meeting him halfway, Aizen threw a punch that Gilgamesh pushed away as he sent a right hook to Aizen's face. Aizen dodged but was unable to stop Gilgamesh when he dropped and performed a sweeping kick that knocked him off of his feet.

Gilgamesh then tried to stomp Aizen but the man rolled away and jumped back. The king continued forward but when Aizen launched a kick to his midsection he was forced to block it but this kick was a feint. Allowing Aizen to spin around and hit him with a roundhouse kick to the face. Sending him flying until he crashed into a universe.

When the King stood up he was met by another universe smacking into him. This is caused by Aizen who showed off his incredible physical strength and picked up a universe and then used it like a bat it hit Gilgamesh.

The king was sent flying once again while laughing. He had not thought about that and decided that he would one-up Aizen. Gilgamesh landed on a larger universe before manipulating the size of his hands and using them to grab two universes. He then smashed the two of them together and ground them into a ball of pure energy.

Seeing this Aizen raised his right hand as he incanted, "Bakudō #81. Dankū Sevenfold." Creating 7 barriers in front of him to hopefully block the power of two whole universes.

Gilgamesh then released the energy with a battle cry as it traversed the multiverse and came into contact with Aizen's barriers. The attack's power leaks off from the barriers and destroyed multiple universes. Eventually, it broke the first barrier, causing Aizen to cough up blood.

The second soon followed as Aizen felt his soul strain itself to power the barriers. The third soon fell as well, followed by the fourth. Aizen's eyes started to bleed as he gave this his all. The fifth soon broke as multiple wounds formed on his body, his soul not being able to withstand that amount of energy being so close.

The sixth collapsed after that as Aizen was forced to raise his other arm and place it on his right arm's upper forearm. He roared as the power of the Hogyoku coursed threw his veins, empowering him and strengthening the last barrier.

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