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After being forced out of Heaven and descending to the earth, Tobio wonders what he did to deserve this. This man shows up and grabs him by the face before dragging him away like it was nothing. Did he do something to anger Lord Aizen?

"Its not as glorious as it once was, but it is still Rome. " Said Romulus.

They have arrived in Rome, the capital of Italy. Upon arrival Tobio formed multiple weapons from the shadows and stabbed Romulus with them. This did nothing because of his armor but it was enough for Tobio to get free from his grasp.

"Oh? You would still put of a fight in my presence? You would defy me, Rome itself!? Fine then. Let me show me the error of your ways!" Proclaimed Romulus.

And before Tobio could react, Romulus's feet connected with his chest as he propelled them down to the earth. No matter how many weapons to made he could not get through he armor. He even tried to use his Cursed Flames but Romulus only laughed as the impacted the earth. Creating a huge creator in the middle of Rome.

Tobio coughed up lots of blood as his entire midsection no longer existed. It was crushed to nothing from the force of Romulus. It quickly healed and he stood up and looked at his adversary with sweat dripping off of his forehead.

"Will you surrender? Hahahahaha, of course you will! No one can compete with with my supremacy! Truly, I am Rome Itself!" Romulus spoke with pride.

Tobio wiped the blood from his mouth as he considered his options. This opponent is clearly stronger than him and the odds of him beating him is low. That does not mean it is impossible though.

"You truly are glorious. However are you so weak that you need to defeat me before I can even use my full power? Are you, Rome itself, so weak?" Tobio taunted.

Romulus grinned at his words. Always ready to show off the power of Rome.

"Of course not. Use any transformation or powerup that you may need! I will crush any force you send at me and show you true despair! For that is the fate of all who went against Rome!" Romulus said.

Tobio sighed in relief as he summoned Jin. He would truly die if he was not able to complete this transformation. Then he started his chant.

"Behowlest the slaying of Ten Thousand Mortals!" Tobios voice became distorted as he and Jin became shrouded in darkness. The jet-black haze spread, and then covered everything in the surrounding area.

Romulus released his aura as the darkness avoided him.

"Besingest the Slaying of One Thousand Gods!" His limbs gradually dissolved into the darkness, and turned into something with an irregular shape.

"Mine name, immersed in the deepest darkness, tis the god of darkness traversing the Polar Night." Tobio's body fully assimilated with the darkness.

"O ye, perishest by my own black blade." Tobios body could no longer be considered human as Jin fully transformed into a large black hound.

"Fools ye art, oh deformed." After saying the final verse the black hound let out a loud, demonic howl. "Aoooooooooohhh!"

"Fallen Dog God!"

"Fallen Dog God!"

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