Breakdown the King

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"Ban... Kai."

With that word, the entire multiverse came to a halt. An unequaled power swept threw creation without discrimination. This forbidden power only had one goal when it searched for its target. To Gilgamesh, it could not have been quicker as it converged on him at an astonishing rate.

Latching onto him and binding itself to him, uncaring for any resistance that he provided. Seeping into the depths of his soul and stripping from him a power that he knew all of his life. The power of a king and all it entails. Making him descend from his status of omnipotence.

When its work was finished it left without a trace. Any indication of its existence disappearing with it. The only reminder of its effects is the hollowness that Gilgamesh feels. Having to drop to one knee to familiarize himself with his new state.

Looking across from him at the brown-haired man who only stared at him intently. Eager to see if it worked on the king or not. The man most likely thought of millions of contingency plans in case the latter proved true. However, he stopped when he witnessed the look in the king's eyes. That is more than enough proof for him.

"What's with that look, King of Kings? You should not be so shaken. All I have done is even the plain field. Your power was simply too much for me so I used my own greatest power and brought you down to my level." Aizen explained.

Gilgamesh grit his teeth in anger as he gripped the void around them with enough force to bend it. 

"The power of my Bankai is unrivaled. But because of that, the price for its activation is a steep one indeed. When I was still a captain, I could not use it without risk of permeant reduction of my spiritual pressure. That is why you never learned of it when you viewed my past. You wrote it off as me being too prideful to even use it. It is because of this fact that you are in this situation now." Aizen continued. 

 By now the King of Heroes calmed down. He realized that anger would get him nowhere and only with a clear head would he be able to defeat Aizen without using That.

"That has changed now. Well, it changed quite some time ago. When I first gained infinite power from the Hogyoku I no longer had to worry about the repercussions. The power of my Bankai being available to me, the ability to force one law upon creation. This law would be more real than anything else and is quite irreversible." Aizen finished explaining. 

The Wedge of Heaven stood up straight as he faced his adversary. His power now is roughly similar to Aizen. He chuckled knowing that Aizen made it that way on purpose. The man's desire to face an equal at least once in his life shinning threw.

 "How interesting. I truly did underestimate you, Aizen Sosuke. To be able to strip me of the concept of kingship is no ordinary feet. Not even Enkidu could do such a thing. Now, let's continue where we left off. I grow tired of this needless chatter." Gilgamesh ordered.

With those words, the King summoned one of his most powerful noble phantasms. Enki: Sword of the End. The pair of golden twin blades resting in his hands as he takes a more direct approach. His pride no longer clouded his judgment. He will show Aizen why he is called the King of Heroes.

Aizen is the same as he holds his sword in a perfect stance. Hundreds of years of training in Zanjetsu not going to waste as both of the powerful beings watch one another. Waiting for a moment of weakness in the other that they can use.

Thousands of simulations play out in their heads. Each one ends and starts differently with many losses and victories on either side. This event comes to a close when Gilgamesh rushes forward with malicious intent. His blades poised to strike down his foe.

Upon arrival, he swings his left blade toward Aizen's sternum which is dodged with ease. Allowing Aizen to block Gilgamesh's right blade as it made its way toward his temple. However, this is what Gilgamesh wanted as his right foot strikes Aizen's left hip.

This caused Aizen to rotate involuntarily. Forcing him to block when the right blade strikes once again. Giving Gilgamesh an opening that he did not overlook. Slashing Aizen's back with the left blade but allowing Aizen to elbow him in the face at the same time. Both of them retreat to gain some distance.

No words were spoken as Aizen reentered the fight. Appearing above Gilgamesh as he performs a downward slash that Gilgamesh blocks with both of his blades in an X formation.  This gives Aizen the chance to point his left hand right at Gilgamesh's face.

"Hadō #54. Haien" Aizen incants as flames are released from his hands.

Gilgamesh blocks this attack by summoning a portal behind him that releases a sword at Aizen. Going right threw the fireball and forcing Aizen to jump back to avoid it. The power of the sword was high enough to get past his projectile resistance.

Capitalizing on this, Gilgamesh moves forward and slashes at the feet of the airborne Aizen. Forcing him to use his blade to swat away Enki but this leaves him defenseless as 4 portals open above him and rain down noble phantasms upon him.

To block these blades he creates a green barrier called El Escudo. This barrier protects him even as it cracks under the force of the noble phantasms. Still, it completed its purpose as Aizen gets away from Gilgamesh safely.

Not letting him go so easily, Gilgamesh connects the ends of his twin blades and forms a bow as a string of golden light forms. The king creates and releases multiple arrows that fly toward his opponent with surprising speed. 

So surprising that Aizen cannot defect them all as one pierces threw his left shoulder. Giving Gilgamesh enough time to appear before him as he finishes pulling the arrow out of his shoulder. Yet as Gilgamesh swung his blades he was interrupted by another spell.

"Hadō #31. Shakkahō" The cannon of red light hits Gilgamesh and sends him back.

The king merely pats away the dust on his armor when he stops. Such a low-level kido does not have nearly enough power to power to cause any true damage. They only have value in creating openings for him to take advantage of.

The battle continued with Aizen dodging multiple weapons and arriving before Gilgamesh with a show of speed. His sword clashes with the sword of the end as he uses his pure skill in the art of swordsmanship to perfectly counter and dodges the two blades. Until Gilgamesh backs up.

Looking on curiously, Aizen sees how another Gilgamesh appears behind him. Not just one but thousands of him enter this universe. Every one of them originates from parallel universes that Aizen does not exist in. I mean, how could they not join in on the fun? 

Looking back towards the original Gilgamesh he mocks him. "To think you would resort to tricks like this..." He trailed off.

"I apologize, but you only exist in this universe. When they felt the concept of kingship being stripped from them they instantly looked here. Can you blame them?" Gilgamesh asked. Even as an infinite amount of him watched on.

  Aizen shook his head as he responded. "No, I cannot. Their arrival was something I expected, no it's more like I was counting on it."

With his words, millions of Aizens appeared as they continued to increase. These doublegangers did not come from another universe but the timeline. Aizen utilized the concept of negative division and produced an infinite amount of himself to counter Gilgamesh.

Every version of the two looked at one another with excitement. This battle has become more like a gladiator match as the only rule became to survive.  The thoughts of every single one of them being the same.

It will be a Massacre!   

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