Knowledge is Power

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Serafall: Se-Tan get back here! Hahahaha

I chase after my adorable little 5 year old brother. He is soooooo perfect. He is like a mini me and I adore him. While So-tan is also cute, she is to serious and never plays with me. Se-tan on the other hand is a perfect child to my parents and me and Sona.

'Sebastian': Hehehehe. You cant catch me Levi-tan!

We turn a corner and run into our mother. Were in big trouble now!

Serena: Seriously, how many times do I have to tell you both not to run in the halls? And Serafall why are you encouraging this!?

Eheh. I forgot about that. As I was thinking of a way to defend myself, Se-tan ran up to mother and hugged her leg.

'Sebastian': Were soorryyy but it is fun. Cant we have fun Mother?

He gives her the biggest puppy dog eyes that I have ever seen and Mother instantly caved.

Serena: You can have fun all you want dear, but I am just worried about you. Cant a mother be worried for her baby boy?

She reversed his tactic right back at him and he to fell for it. He looks like he fell into depression instantly.

'Sebastian': You can! I promise that I wont do it again mother! Please don't be sad!

Mother kneels down and wraps him up in a hug

Serena: Its alright dear. Just make sure to play outside from now on alright?

Sebastian nodded his head rapidly in response

Serena: Good. Now run along now! I things to do with your father.

Sebastian runs a grabs Serafalls hand before pulling her away

'Sebastian':  See you later, Mother! Love you

A wave a him and reply

Serena: Love you too, Dear!

When he turned a corner and disappeared I could not hold back the sigh escaping my throat. Such a pure child. I can only hope that he can forgive me. With the council of elders pushing the clan heads to sign marriage contracts and secure the future of the underworld. There is not much that I can do.

The least I can do is make sure that whatever b*tch that takes my son is worthy and not some snot nosed brat. My darling boy deserves only the best after all.

{Sitri Library}

Currently the grand library of the famous sitri mansion is in shambles. Not that anyone knows that of course. If anyone were to take a look into the room they would see that the place is in pristine condition as always.

In truth the library has been ravished and not a single book was left unused. Not single page left unturned. The man behind this slaughter was non other than the so called perfect child. Sebastian Sitri, or as he prefers, Aizen Sosuke.

Utilizing complete hypnosis. he has not left this library sense the age of 3. He has spent all of his time learning of the world and he was left impressed by what this universe offers. While his family plays around with a figment of Aizens imagination. 

He has learned of many worlds and realms that vary in so many ways. A lot more interesting than the three worlds of his past universe.

Instead of Reiryoku, this universe has many different energy's. The body that he currently possess wields the energy called Demonic Power. Using this energy you can use your imagination and willpower to create. He has even taken its properties and added it to his Reiryoku.

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