Finale of Rome

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Two adversary's stood opposite each other. With one look you could tell that the man with the black hair is much better condition than the other. But looks can be deceiving.

In reality, the man with blue hair has the advantage. Its almost laughable that even with all of his injures his power still surpasses that of Tobio's. Well that is to be expected. Romulus is the Alatreon of Gilgamesh. His strongest subordinate. While Tobio is only the 3rd strongest Espada.

This should have been Heavens win from the start.

Yet with all of Aizen's schemes, he has managed to go this far. Tobio has survived and now the battle reaches its climax. Semiramis is not doing well either. Having used most of her energy in that sneak attack to insure that Romulus would stay down.

It did not work and now she is on her last legs. She can only help her comrade fight this uphill battle by releasing a weaker form of her noble phantasm, Sikera Ušum: Arrogant King's Alcohol, weakening Romulus further and allowing Tobio to fight him on even terms.

The final battle starts with Romulus and Tobio charging at one another. Their right fists collide, with no special effects like breaking space or time. No, this is a battle between two men. No longer do they have their godly power to hide behind. All they have is their skill and will. They will now fight like mortal men.

Tobio launches a punch that Romulus dodges. He counter attacks by grabbing Tobio's head with his left hand and hitting him in the face with his left hand. Tobio staggers back but responds all the same as he kicks Romulus in the stomach.

There fight continues with Tobio breaking the guard of Romulus and hitting him square in the jaw. He follows with a roundhouse kick to his sternum that causes Romulus to step take multiple steps back.

Tobio walks to Romulus to deliver another blow but Romulus counters and hits him right in his stomach. This made Tobio lean forward in pain. Romulus took advantage of this and used both of his hands and grabbed his head before kneeing him in the face with enough force to break his nose.

Tobio, with his nose bleeding, once again attacked Romulus with him doing the same. This time neither of them blocked or countered as their attacks hit the other. Both of them went to the ground as they breathed took large gulps of air. None more exhausted than the other.

They lied their for a few seconds before Romulus began to rise. His lifetime of experience in war allowing for him to push threw his exhaustion with sheer will alone. Yet as he picked himself up, a hand grabbed him by the ankle and forced him onto his back.

Tobio got on top of him as he put both of his thumbs into the eye sockets of Romulus. Applying pressure as he grit his teeth. He would not lose here today. He would make sure of it. No matter what. Putting his all into blinding the 1st Emperor of Rome.

When Romulus was finally able to get Tobio off of him it was to late. His eyes having already been plucked out. With him no longer possessing a sense of sight he got up warily. Not being able to see his opponent. So stood there with his guard up as Tobio rained down strike after strike.

He could do nothing. He could not even hate Tobio for such a cowardly move. They are fighting for the future of their universe. Such a burden is heavy to bare. Tobio is fighting with everything he has. Nothing is above him at the moment. Every dirty trick in the book will be utilized if it means success.

Why should Romulus be any different?

So as Tobio launched another attack that hit him square in the jaw. Romulus grabbed his hair.

"Found you." Romulus said with a wide smile.

Romulus then unloaded punch after punch on Tobio as the man had no choice but to grab Romulus's hair as well, just to stay on the ground. What followed was brutality in its purist form. Both of them unleashed hundreds of strikes as their arms looked like machine guns with their speed.

The bones in their bodies have long been broken. The Predator piece barely even working as it could no longer process his desires. They are moving on pure will alone. That is the only reason that they can stay standing. As it should not even be physically possible for them to even be alive.

Eventually one side gave out. The Tres Espada finally gave in. He was never made to fight people like this. He is a assassin trough and through. So it should really have not have been a surprise when he clasped to the ground.

Semiramis quickly ran over to him but stopped when Tobio laughed. His laugh was that of man who had just witnessed the most unbelievable thing on the planet.

"I cant believe it. Honestly, you truly are something else." Tobio spoke in exasperation.

Semiramis walked up to him and looked at the unmoving Romulus. She gasped as saw what he was talking about. The body of the founder turned into red particles. Signifying his death.

"You see that, Semiramis? He died long ago. I would say right after he grabbed my hair he died. Yet his body stayed corporal and continued to fight in his place. I have lost this battle, Semiramis. This is undoubtedly his victory." Said Tobio.

Tobio then could no longer hold himself in his sitting position as he fell backwards. Semiramis caught him and she laid his head on her lap as she brushed his hair out of his eyes. She smiled down at him as she spoke.

"Rest now, Tobio. You have earned it. The mission is complete and you have defeated the strongest subordinate of Gilgamesh. Our job is complete."

Tobio gave a weak smile at her words and his eyes slowly closed. His body shutting down from the extensive battle. He would most likely be in a coma for a long time. She would wait for him to wake up. Its the least she could do.

Her thoughts were interrupted as a explosion shook the earth. A battle is taking place in the sky and she could make out two aerial vehicles. One being red and black, and the other being gold and green.

She instantly understood who they are. The gold one is undoubtedly Gilgamesh and the other is...

Jack the Ripper

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