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Abu Huraira reported: The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said:

Charity is due upon every joint of the people for every day upon which the sun rises. Being just between two people is charity. Helping a man with his animal and lifting his luggage upon it is charity. A kind word is charity. Every step that you take towards the mosque is charity, and removing harmful things from the road is charity.

Transmitted by Bukhari


They drove into the large driveway of the IG's mansion, rounding the fountain that stood in the middle as they parked right in front of the huge entrance door.
Guda could be heard from around the house, and the little children who were playing outside the house ran inside shouting "ga amarya, the bride is here"

Her sisters held both her hands and guided her into the house, the house she had known since she could barely say a word, she was now entering it as a daughter in-law.

Ummi, his mother excitedly came towards her as she was about to enter, she could see the large smile she was wearing through her see through veil.

"Welcome, my daughter" she hugged her before grabbing her hand, and with her right foot she entered the house.

They were singing a traditional song as she entered the parlour. She made an attempt to kneel down to greet his ummi, before his ummi held her up shaking her head.

"Ina wuni, mummy" she greeted her with a smile.

Ummi dragged the veil away from her face before kissing both her cheeks while cupping her face in both her hands.

Some elderly women, together with his maternal grandma came forward, spraying some money as they said some prayers in their language, most of umma's relative were not full Hausas.

Relatives kept moving forward to come and give their wellwishes to the bride, and she answered all of them with a shy smile as her eyes kept on wandering looking for hadiza. She saw her a little distance away coming towards them and she signalled with her eyes for her to be fast, her sister had been lost in the crowd.

"OK ladies, I think the bride should head upstairs so she could get ready for the dinner event" she said smiling at them as she held Aysha up steering her away from the crowd. Aysha gave her a smile of gratitude, it was tiring having people hover around you for long.

Hadiza led her to her room and she immediately sat on the bed, heaving a sigh as she removed her veil throwing it on the bed. She ran a hand through her hair ruffling it a bit.

"Ha'an what is this? Don't you know I'm your in-law now, you're supposed to be shy not feel at home" Hadiza mocked a serious expresson as she joked.

"Dondi" she rolled her eyes. She had completely stopped crying with only the little bits of sniffle here and there reminding her of her crying session.

"Oh! I forgot to tell you, the makeup artist has been waiting, let's start prepping you up" hadiza clapped her hands together as she stood up heading to her makeup room, which was en suite. Aysha also had a similar room, which they both nagged their parents for after they discovered their undying love for makeup. Aysha trailed behind her and they entered the room, a humongous vanity mirror rested on one wall filled with lights, with a stool in front, while tall drawers stood at several part of the room in which her makeup products were housed.

The makeup artist entered the room and they exchanged pleasantries.

The next three hours past in a blur as several makeup products were applied to her. They helped her into her dress and tied her turban perfectly. She later found out that her siblings left to get ready.

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