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On the authority of Abu Hurairah, radiyallahu 'anhu, who said : The Messenger of Allah, sallallahu 'alayhi wasallam, said: "Part of the perfection of someone's Islam is his leaving alone that which does not concern him."

[Hadith hasan - Recorded by Tirmidhi]


"Where are you?" Mama's voice said through the phone.

"I'm on my way home" she answered, she knew a scolding was probably coming her way because mama didn't like them staying out late.

"Really, so fast? Why don't you go to aunty Hairan's house, she was telling me about the new shipment of Swiss laces that arrived for sale, go and choose some for us" she said.

"Okay" she stared at the phone in her hand in confusion, her face scrunched up.

"Change of plans, we are going to Gwarimpa" she says to the driver eyeing the Wuse2 traffic they were currently in, with distaste.

The traffic moved so slow for about twenty minutes before he took a turn leading to Gwarimpa. She stared at her phone as the reflection of the street lights shone on it.

They parked the car in the driveway, she let out a sigh before emerging from the car. She wearily knocked on door hoping Faizah wasn't around. She once used to be her friend, but when they grew up they fell apart, partly because they just weren't compatible like before. Faizah was now spontaneous, reckless, bold and adventurous girl, everything she isn't.

A boy opened the door "Hey babe" he said with a cocky smirk welcoming her in.

Bewildered she turned to him, her mouth wide open. He seemed to be only in his late teenage years. Couldn't he see she was older than him she thought.

"Cut it out Sani, that's not funny" Faizah came into view giving the said Sani a disapproving glance.

"Sorry about that, come in" she turns to her with a smile. Aysha followed her as she led her to the sitting where aunty Hairan was watching a soap opera.

"Good evening" she greeted with a smile.

"How are you, dear? Your mom just called to tell me you were coming" she said with a bright smile, gesturing for her to seat.

"Faizah go and bring the laces for her" she turned to Faizah. Faizah stood up and later cane back with a three big trolley bags filled to the brim. She emptied them on the center carpet. They brought drinks and snacks for her even after she insisted she wasn't hungry and she sat on the floor near the trolleys, picking the laces for them. They packed it for her when she was done.

She bade aunty Hairan goodbye, Faizah wasn't around she overheard her on the phone telling someone she was going to a drag race, something she wouldn't. Their gateman helped her to carry all the packages and kept them in the boot of her car. She thanked him and entered the car. The driver drove off. The gate to their mansion opened with a creak, notifying the occupants of her arrival.

She got out of the car and entered the house which was left open. She passed by the sitting room where she heard voices, she contemplated on going away silently, but then she thought better of that. She slided the door to the parlour and entered. She was met with her father, baba Ibrahim, Hajiya Iya and mama. She squatted down to greet them.

"Ina wuni baba" she greeted baba Ibrahim. If he wasn't her only uncle in her father's side, he could have been her favorite. He was the type of uncle you could go to for anything and he was also Hadiza and Fahad's dad.

"*Lafiya kalau mama na, ya kike*?" He asked about her after he answered her greetings. He always called her his mom because she was named after Hajiya iya.

"Alhamdullilah" she answered contently. She turned to her mother and father greeting them.

"*Kin karbo kayan*. Did you collect the clothes?" mama asked and she answered with the affirmative.

"*Ina wuni Hajiya, ya hanya. Kin iso lafiya?* Good evening Hajiya, how was the journey. Hope it was good?" She greeted her and asked about her journey.

"Lafiya kalau" she answered dismissively.

"*Yanzu sai ki hada hankalinki, tunda abubuwa sun daidaita*" she said, her expression unreadable. Why does she have to be responsible and what was set? All those thoughts kept swimming around in her head.

"*Wani abubuwa*, which things Hajiya?" She asked her.
"*Amina, biki gaya mata ba?* didn't you tell her?" Hajiya Iya's questioning glare turned to mama.

"*Na gaya mata, ina ga bata gane ba ne* I told her, probably she doesn't understand what you're talking about" Mama covered for her. She had definitely not told her but she wouldn't want her to find out like this, the impact will be worse. Mama's eyes were telling her to get away from the place, thankfully she understood.

"*Baran je sama* let me go up" she quickly excused herself her guts telling her something is definitely wrong. She entered her toilet and cleaned her makeup with a cleansing wipes before doing her ablution. She came out and prayed Isha.

She contemplated on wearing her usual shorts and tank top for bed but then she knew Hajiya Iya could barge in any minute and she wouldn't appreciate seeing her like that so she settled with a night shirt that reached up to her kness, she packed her head into a bun before wrapping it with a silk head tie.

She got into her bed wrapped in a duvet, reading a book on her iPad, the light coming from the device being the only source of light in the room. The door open, the identity of the person concealed from view by the light coming from outside. The lights came on making it easier to see who was by the door, Mama.
She entered the room closing it behind her, she sat on the bed leaning on the headrest, she scooted closer to her letting the duvet to cover both of them.

She knew her mom came to her room to talk to her so she got up from her laying position, mimicking mama as she leaned on the headrest. "What's bothering you, mama?" She asked noticing the conflicting look on her face.

"You know there are some things that can't be stopped no matter what, they might be good or bad but it must happen, they're qadr, right?" She knew mama was stalling so she just nodded her head not wanting to distract her from the real matter at hand.

"But you know what they say 'everything has a purpose' some decisions might start as bad ones but at the end they will be the best you've ever made" she had on a confused look on her face, she really didn't know what all this counseling is for.

"I know you might be thinking about what happened down there" That peeked her interest.

"The thing is you're next" mama said and Aysha almost got a whiplash with how fast she turned her head.
"Wait what?" And her mom simply gave her a sad smile.

"Who?" she asked after a moment of silence and even though she knew she wanted to confirm it.

"Fahad" she simply nodded her head. She knew that was going to happen one day but it happening sooner than later was what shocked her. She thought she had more time to come to term with it, oh! She could never have come to term with it, arrange marriage was something she never fancied, but then she knew it was going to happen and to with who it was going to happen, everyone did.


Salam, How do you like this chapter? The cat is out of the bag.

Allah Hafiz,


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