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Abu Hamzah Anas bin Malik, radiyallahu 'anhu, who was the servant of the Messenger of Allah, sallallahu 'alayhi wasallam, reported that the Prophet, sallallahu 'alayhi wasallam, said: "None of you truly believes (in Allah and in His religion) until he loves for his brother what he loves for himself"

[Al-Bukhari & Muslim]


They took her paint balling. It was fun and exhilarating. She felt like she was in an actual war zone. It was so easy to shoot people while picturing Hajiya Iya, wrong but fun. She vented out her anger by excessively shooting at the twins. By the end of the game they had the most stained clothes, even though they later ganged up on her, as she ran looking for cover but not before having splotches of colour shot at her.

They decided to stop by a restaurant to eat. The place was quiet, as only the clinking of cutleries could be heard. On a normal basis the twins will be shouting their heads off, but now they were quiet. They looked like they were communicating with their eyes.

"Okay guys what's up?" she dropped her spoon making a sound as it collided with the plate.

"We actually wanted to take your mind off of things and talk to you to show you we are always here for you" Abdulrahman said after a moment of silence.

She smiled, its soothing to know you'll always have people there for you. Her siblings were the best she could ever wish for.

She took a hold of both their hands lightly squeezing it. "That's so thoughtful of you, that's why you're my favorite brothers"

"We are your only brothers" Abdulrahman rolled his eyes.

"I know" she gave them a cheeky grin. "But I love you" she added.

"Us too" they answer.

"Enough with the emotional moment" Abdulraheem said making them all to let out a hearty chuckle.

By the time they left the restaurant she was filled to the brim, that lasagna was surely to die for. It felt good to eat a full meal, this days she hasn't been eating well opting for small chops. When they arrived home the smile left her face. Because at the house she was reminded of her wedding every minute.

She hadn't met Hajiya Iya since the first time and she didn't even want to meet her, so she quietly made her way to her room. She had to pass through the dining room, there she saw Hajiya Iya. Aysha quickly went away without bothering to greet her, she was still not happy.

The door to her room opened and mama appeared. She was holding a heap of catalogues of some sort, aysha looked at her suspiciously wondering what she was up to.

Mama gave her daughter a small smile. Aysha had changed in just a week, her eyes held dark circles around it, her collarbone a little bit hollow. She hadn't been eaten well and that itself was worrying her.

She sat down next to her "I was thinking you could look through this wedding dress catalogue so you can have an idea of how you want your dress to look" Mama was hesitant to say it, but her affirmation was needed. Its her wedding after all and its not like she was going to have another one after this, hopefully. Mama has been hoping that even though she does not like the idea of getting married, she doesn't detest it to the point of getting a divorce after the marriage. This marriage needed to work, not only for them but for the happiness of the whole family.

"When you've already arranged everything why not go ahead and arrange this too" she countered coldly turning her face away from Mama.

"Watch the way you speak young lady don't forget I'm still your mother. You might not like this but it is happening so get it into your thick skull" her voice was stern.

She scrunched her eyes as she heaved a deep sigh. Never in her life has she spoken to her mother this harshly and just ad the words left her mouth she started to regret it.

"I'm sorry Mama I shouldn't have said that, it was so unnecessary" she apologized her face full of regret.

"It's ok, just try to look through this" she left the catalogues on the bed as she went out.

She went through the catalogues absent mindedly, starting with the one that says 'wedding dress'. None of the dress looked as pretty as the money was insinuating so she closed it. She went through the remaining to pass time.

A knock sounded on the door before a maid appeared into the room. "Hajiya Iya said to tell you to be ready, Fahad is here to see you"
Her mind was beating erratically, last time she checked she had rejected to meet him. But like every other time her request has not been heeded to. It was high time for Hajiya Iya to stop dictating her life. Her mates were in their graves and she's here torturing her grandchildren.

She hissed before roughly dragging a long hijab, she didn't bother to check herself in the mirror. The maid directed her to one of the visitor's sitting room, where Fahad was. She heaved a breath before knocking on the door.



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Allah Hafiz,


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