Since squatting for so long, I stand up and move to sit on the couch instead. Sitting there awkwardly isn't exactly my favorite but I don't know what else to do.

Y/N just moves her head onto my lap where I slowly run my hand through her hair for comfort. "What really happened?"

"Uhm well she could see that while we had something, obviously, we were a good couple, somehow apparently it was also visible that we would make a better couple, because you're you, and who wouldn't want you, and she didn't want to be the one who held me back from you. For the cherry on top, neither one of us knows whether you're into girls or not, but their radar says yes and that's all."

"Well, I guess I don't have to say that then..."

"Wait, so, are you saying she was right?" She asks with hope in her voice, looking up at me.

"Well, she wasn't wrong," I confirm what Y/N just said a second ago.

Now fully sitting up next to me, it's like she's trying to figure out what to say next. I mean, if I was her, I'd be a little shocked by my admission also. I didn't even think I'd ever say that, to anyone really. Now I guess 2 people know. Well, 1, the other just knows and I didn't say. Are more people like that? Have fans caught on? Apparently there's some sort of radar for that type of thing.

"Have you told anyone?" she questions, her head tilting slightly to the side.

"No, I barely even understand it myself, you know?"

"Ya, I get that. I haven't really told many people either pretty much just here."

"How?" I ask, not knowing how to word the rest of my thoughts.

"How did I know?" Y/N guessed what I was going to say.

"That, and people. How do you just tell someone?"

"Well, it started when I realized I was forcing myself to like guys in a way. I broke up with my ex and told him the truth, but also swore him to secrecy," she chuckles a little, me doing the same. "And I didn't tell anyone for a long time. Luckily everyone's been great, but that's not the case for everyone sadly."

"I guess it's different, being us. We're under the eye of everyone 24/7."

"It is," Y/N confirms.

We just sit together in silence for a few minutes, running everything through our heads, what just happened. It's a lot, and it's not the everyday revelation.

So many people in this world feel the need to hide who they are because they feel that they won't be loved or accepted anymore. While that may be the truth for some people in the immediate family and friends sector, what they don't know is that there is a whole community out there who does.

Now for us celebrities, we have to think strategically too. There's a lot of people out there who don't approve of it, and there's also the people who don't really care, but still say we're coming out just for the attention and press.

I've seen situations in the past where a celebrity's come out, and even if they play a straight character, people don't watch anything of theirs anymore.

Or the situations where a character comes out and people say that they won't watch the show anymore, and that's a shame cause it was really good and they were liking it.

"Thanks for that," Y/N brings me out of my thoughts.

"Of course," I gather myself, and I stand up. "Come on, you need to go home and get some sleep. Or, if you'd rather, I can take you back to my place if you're too tired to drive because I'm not about to let you drive if you're tired."

"I'm so sorry for keeping you," Y/N rushes up also, making sure she has everything.

"No don't worry about it, trust me, ok? Are you too tired to drive?"

She just nods her head, giving me the only answer I need.

"Ok, let's go. You can borrow my clothes we should be about if not the same size and I have extra everything you may need."

Y/N whispers a small thank you, and follows me out to my car. Everyone is long gone by now, but we don't pay attention to that. I open the car door for her, before going around to my own.

"My place isn't far away," I explain, connecting my phone to the aux for some quiet filler noise.

About halfway through, I notice that she's trying her best to stay awake, but it's not exactly working. I pretend not to notice, though, and just keep my eyes ahead on the road.

It's only a few more minutes before I pull into my driveway, and Y/N is fully out by now. Quietly as I can, I get out of the car and unlock the front door before going back to the passenger side. I open the door, and undo the seatbelt which just makes a silent click, making Y/N stir a little. Frozen in place, I am relieved when that seems to have not woken her up.

Since training for the role of Wanda Maximoff, I have gotten considerably stronger. It's gotten me into a workout routine, so when I carry Y/N inside, it feels as if she's light as a feather. If you told me to do this before I started working out and training, I would've ran away, I could barely get 50 pounds then.

After I've placed her down onto the bed, I go back to lock the front door. I'm doing everything as quietly as I can so I don't wake her up. Grabbing a pair of pjs I head into the bathroom to change while also doing my face routine rather quickly because I want to go to bed too.

Walking back to my bed, she's still in the same spot I put her down which tells me she hasn't woken up. I would give her a change of clothes but one, I'm not waking her up and two, I won't change her, not without her permission. Instead, I get into the other side of the bed and under the covers and shut the bedside lamp off.

It's not long after I start to drift off that I feel an arm wrap around my waist. I don't react because she could think I'm sleeping, and hell, she could be asleep too, but if she isn't I don't want my showing of not being asleep yet be the cause of her moving away.

So instead, I smile to myself and embrace the comfort, finally feeling like I'm home.

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