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(Y/N's POV)
I was Cleopatra, I was young and an actress
"Don't forget me when you become super famous and like literally every person knows who you are," my best friend, Sage, lectures me over facetime.

I dramatically put my hand on my heart faking hurt, "You know I would never forget you. Plus, we don't even know if I'm going to get the role anyways," I add.

"If anyone gets this, it's you. You're literally perfect for the role. Do you think your agent would've sent you to the audition if you weren't?"

"No," I give in, knowing they're right.

"This is Marvel we're talking about here," they repeat as they've done many times before.


"You know you could be working with the Elizabeth Chase Olsen!" they squeal in excitement. I've forced them to also become a fan and learn everything there is to know.

"Yep! Come over, I should be getting the call in a few hours," I say, having remembered the casting director told me I'd get a call today at around 4 to let me know the results.

"Right away," Sage jumps up from the couch they're on, and runs around on the phone getting everything to come over.
"Ok, I'll be there soon," they hang up the phone as I can hear the car starting.

Walking over to my kitchen, I get myself a glass of water, and sit back down on the couch. Knowing I won't be doing anything productive at all today, I grab the TV remote and search for a movie to watch. Sometimes I wish there wasn't as many choices, because then I wouldn't be so indecisive choosing each time.

Eventually, I settle on Captain America: Civil War as Lizzie is in it. Yes, that's all someone needs to say to convince me to watch a movie. It's that simple.

The opening credits start playing and the feeling of comfort washes over me. I can't explain it, I guess it could be the fact my childhood wasn't amazing so having something that replaces that is what's comforting.

As the movie starts, I hear the front door to my apartment open, knowing it's Sage using the spare key I gave them.

"You dared-" they start, sitting down next to me.
"What?" I question.
"You know what!"

Shrugging my shoulders as if I don't know, "No I don't."

"You dared to start a movie, not just any movie, a Marvel movie with your possible future co-workers without me?"
"Whoopsy, sorry," I finally give in, grabbing the remote and pressing restart. Not that I mind, I get to see the opening again.

"That's better, I also brought this," Sage holds up a bottle of tequila between us.

"For?" I question again, Sage is the one to always find a way to make a situation one to drink in.

"If you get the role, celebration drinking. If you don't, they'd be stupid, but then it can be depression drinking," they state as if it's obvious.

"Ah I see," I nod my head in understanding, liking the two sides it has. I'm not much of a drinker, but I'll make an exception for this.

We're at the part where Sam asks Natasha if she was the one that told the government to kiss her ass a few years ago, when the piercing ring of my phone goes through the room. I put it on full blast for good measure.

Sage and I look at each other with wide eyes, quickly pausing the movie as I hit the answer call button. Despite Sage's protests, I don't push the speaker button. Maybe that's because I partially want to be annoying, I also want to partially be able to act like as if I didn't just to see their reaction.

Cleopatra ᗢ Elizabeth Olsen x Y/NWhere stories live. Discover now