Coffee & Dinner - 4

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(Y/N's POV)
"I remember every word you told me. I can't stop thinking about it." - Unknown

Another day, another drive to set. Filming's been going well, and we're getting done what needs to be. Everyone gets along great, and we try to go out together as often as we can. Before we know it, press tours and conferences are going to start, another thing to add onto the schedule. But that's ok, it just comes along with the job that I love.

People say that if you love what you do, you never work a day in your life. I've found that to be true.

Walking towards the all too well familiar door, thoughts start to run through my head. Lena and Blaine are still on my case about Xela, and as much as I love them, I don't know what to tell them. Xela is nice and all, but I don't know if a relationship is even right for me right now.

Just like the way it is in school, you care about your appearance for maybe a week, and that's an absolute max. For example, today I'm showing up like I just rolled out of bed. T-shirt, sweatpants, hair in a messy bun and honestly, no one cares as long as you show up. But it is good to make yourself look good for a while, especially when you are new.

"There's the Y/N I knew would come eventually," Xela says, approaching me from the hallway. I didn't have any scenes until a little later, so I thought I'd watch for a little.

I tilt my head a little to the side, "I'm confused?"

"Uhm... well...," she begins, looking as if she's caught herself. "Whenever a new person comes to set, there's a little bet between cast and crew," she trails off.

My eyes widen a little, finally understanding there was a bet on me. "What was it?" I ask curiously.

"How long before they show up in a general outfit, not all glammed up, which excuse me for a second," they turn around towards set. "CHRISSSSS!" I hear her yell what sounds like nearly at the top of their lungs, which makes me cover my ears in shock.

"Damn, what did I do for that?" he asks, rubbing his head walking over to us.

"Pay up," Xela holds their hand out, the other on her hip.

"Damnit," he grumbles, reaching into his pocket.

"Can I at least know the timeline of this bet?" I ask, genuinely curious.

"I had bet that'd you'd show up in a general outfit by week 2, Chris over here thought it would last 3. It's never been that long for anyone so I think he just wanted to lose money."

"I'm right here you know?"

"Does it look like I care?" Xela quips back, as Chris heads back off to set.

"Who else do you need to collect money from?" I ask, knowing there must be more.

"Lizzie said by the end of week 1, and Blaine by a few days ago."

"As in my make-up artist, Blaine?" I ask in disbelief, also in shock on how I didn't pick anything up.

"Unless they have a secret identical twin with the same name I don't know about."

"Let's go," I direct, Xela happily following me towards the makeup trailer even though I don't need to be there for like another half hour.

Reaching the trailer, I open the door, Blaine and Lena looking between us. I tilt my head a little at them, knowing exactly what they're thinking. They smile a little also, knowing I know what they're thinking.

"So I heard from someone," I point behind me towards Xela, "that you, Blaine, owe her some money."

"You little-" they look to Xela, who just shrugs her shoulders.

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