Shock - 8

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(Y/N's POV)
Time jump, make it up i'm too lazy :)
"And it hardened like my heart did when you left town"

With filming being nearly wrapped up, a lot has happened since. Xela and I had become official a while ago, and we were doing great. We were going out on dates when we can, but being together on set made up for days we couldn't.

We also told everyone, well on set that is, and luckily they were all very accepting. Although, Lizzie did seem a little off when we told everyone. Sure, she was accepting, but I feel like there was something else going on. Knowing our lives can be crazy and she might have something personal, I brushed it off, not thinking anything of it.

Today I was walking around set with Xela before I had some small scenes to film, one of those being with Lizzie. I hope it goes well, because while I'd say we're good friends, it's like we only see each other on set. Our schedules, although fairly similar, can't ever seem to line up.

We've also been going to more interviews recently, leading up to the premiere of the movie. It's highly anticipated by everyone, meaning everyone's every move has been under a microscope. It's gotten hard to go out as paparazzi were somehow littered everywhere. That's not even the problem, it's that if I were to be seen with anyone, the rumors would take off before I can take another step.

Which leads me to my next point, Xela. We've had to do sneaking around on dates, whether that be disguises or fake names. That can be frustrating at times, but then again, it just comes with the job and I love this job. Since I was little, this is what I wanted and if I could go back in time and tell little me that her dreams did come true, she wouldn't believe it. It was a far fetched fever dream that little girls dreamt of because well, that's what they do.

Tonight, Xela is coming over to my place, and I'm making the two of us spaghetti and meatballs, one of my personal favorites. Of course, we're pairing that with a nice glass of wine, and ice cream for dessert because nothing beats some good ice cream with a good TV show.

"Earth to Y/N," I snap out of my thoughts to see Xela waving her hand in front of my face.

"Sorry," I apologize quickly, being completely lost because if they said something, I didn't catch any of it.

"It's ok, but you're needed in hair and make-up now."

"Ok," I reply, giving her a quick kiss. That's another thing we have to be careful about if we are out together is how much affection we show each other. While we may think we're in the clear and we can appear as friends, someone is always too smart for that. But luckily on set we don't have to hide, but we also try to keep it down around others for sanity's sake.

Heading off to hair and makeup, I pass a few people on the way, saying a nice hello to them. Finally, I reach the room, knocking on the door. I hear some talking so I know someone else is there.

"Come in!" I hear from the other side, so I push open the door to reveal Lizzie just getting up out of the chair.

"Hey," I greet her kindly, not knowing what else I can do.

"Hey," she greets back, but also not sounding normal. Not in a she isn't feeling well sick way, but instead in a way where she's hiding something. Whatever it is, it's slowing eating away at her and I can tell, I just don't know where to start.

Sitting down in the chair, I look into the mirror while Blaine and Lena explain today's look. It's simple, the makeup pretty natural, and hair not too complicated. Wanting to see if I can figure out anything that's going on, I speak up while only my hair is being worked on.

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