Jealousy - 7

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(Elizabeth's POV)
But I was late for this, late for that, late for the love of my life

We have our first press tour today, as filming is wrapping up. There's not much left to do, just a few small filler scenes that allow us to have the time to go to the interviews. And luckily for us, it's close by so we can all drive there ourselves which is a big help. Some people drive together, so that also saves space in the parking lot. Like Xela and Y/N.

From the second I walked into the room the first day for the table read, my eyes immediately landed on Y/N. Not because I didn't know her, which I did in a way of knowing we had a new cast member, but also because my eyes would've landed on her in any room. She's stunning, hair, eyes and everything about her is so perfect. I know I probably shouldn't be thinking about my castmate in this way, but I can't help myself.

Now for my latest problem which is that she seems to be hanging around Xela a lot lately. Not that that's a problem or anything, it's just that it seems to be more than a friends thing. I've been there, and know what the classic signs are of a relationship that's being covered up.

Did I mention the part where I'm not out? Y/N isn't either, because I would be able to find that somewhere on the internet. It's not like we would work together anyways, it would be impossible with all the press and rumors that start so fast in our world. I mean, maybe it wouldn't for a little until one reporter suggests we're together, and all the others follow. They would go for friends at first probably, but the more time you spend with a person, the more suspicious it becomes.

So again, not like we would work together anyway.

Pulling into the parking lot of the press conference, I walk towards the door that says entrance on it. Luckily it does, because there's a few and I wouldn't want to look like an idiot or ask someone because that's just plain embarrassing for me. Heading inside, I'm hit with a wind of cool air which is refreshing. Behind me, I hear another car door close so I look back to see who it is.

Of course, Y/N and Xela. We were told that Xela would be attending today also to help us get ready, coordinating with the set staff here also. It is nice to have someone you know around but it's not so nice when you don't know what's going on between them and someone you want.

I just keep walking, because I don't know how long I can keep this act up. But then again, that's my job, so it shouldn't be hard, right? Apparently that's not the case this time.

Looking around for someone, I find someone that looks like a production assistant.

"Hi, where am I supposed to go?"

"Make a left down the hallway here," the person points down a hallway, giving me directions. "Then there's doors with your names on them, and just look for yours."

"Ok thanks," I tell them, following the directions given, Eventually, I find the door with my name on it.

Walking in, it's actually a nice room. There's a couch, TV, and small table. Putting my stuff down, I sit on the couch, turning on the TV.

Not long later, there's a knock on the door, and I'm too lazy to get up with my thoughts. "Come in!" I yell, so the person on the other side can hear. The door opens slowly, to reveal someone else that I don't know.

"Ms. Olsen, it's time for hair and makeup," the person smiles gently as I get up.

"Of course, and Lizzie is good," I say, walking over to the door, flatting my dress out.

"Of course Lizzie, follow me," they instruct.

"What's your name?" I ask, so we don't walk in awkward silence.

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