What your relationships entail

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I wanna test something new, so I will be taking every character I've wrote for so far, and making a scenario for them. Their names might change because I have terrible memory Lol.

Male Sally

He'd constantly be worried about you, and would hold you close to him. He is quite the sappy individual, but not in public most times. Not the largest fan of PDA. (Unless it's a special occasion)
Lots of kisses on your arm, leading up to your neck.

Ever since the Oogie Boogie incident, he has never let you leave his sight, fearing you'll try to steal another holiday.

After Santa left your town, all of the town heads decided to meet and share holidays with each other. Christmas celebrated Easter on Easter Day, Easter does Vice verse.

Sammy loved Valentine's Day because it gave him an excuse to be romantic with you and not get weird looks from others.

When he cuddles you, he normally faces you and nuzzles his head into your neck.

Male Julieta

You constantly get injured, so he'd always be taking care of you and watching over you.
A relationship with him would definitely have a lot of forehead and cheek kisses, and a lot of baking together.

If you're in proximity of him, he would always have his arm wrapped around your waist. He was hesitant about having children at first, but once you had Isabella, he knew what he was meant to be. A father.

He took good care of you and your children, and during the time you were pregnant, he would cook you anything you wanted, whenever you wanted it. Even at two in the morning.

When you cuddle at night, you normally wrap an arm around his waist as his back is against your chest.

Male Esmeralda

Esmeraldo is a VERY romantic guy, so he'd be passionately kissing your lips and neck any chance he gets. He would also be quite flirty with you. He loves it when you blush heavily, because it reminds him that you really do love him.

Although he flirts with you all the time, when you flirt with him, he becomes a stuttering mess. You aren't the most bold person, so you never really flirted, so it always caught him off guard and flustered him.

Esmeraldo was extremely happy when he saw you, Quasimodo, and Phoebus getting along, because they were his closest friends. (Other than you ofc.) Phoebus is also a flirt, so he will teasingly flirt with you sometimes to annoy Esmeraldo, but if you are uncomfortable, he will stop and apologize.

When Phoebus fake flirts with you, and you play along, Esmeraldo gets jealous. And when he gets jealous... let's just say you will need a wheelchair. (interpret that however you want to-)

When cuddling, he will have you laying on top of him, using his chest as a pillow and his body as a mattress. He'll wrap his arms around you and hold you close.

Male Lydia

Lucas would always be playing with your hair. He was infatuated by it. He would smell it, hold it, style it, kiss it, and sometimes sleep against it.

Being with him would insure a lot of kisses to your temple and the top of your head.
He would always treat you kindly and respectfully, making sure to keep you safe from Beetlejuice. You trusted Lucas with your life.

Lucas would always have you in his vision, unless you were in the restroom (obviously.) because he didn't know what Beetlejuice might do.

When cuddling, he will typically tangle his legs in yours and wrap an arm around your waist.

Male Emily

Emerson would always be rubbing shapes on your skin, feeling how soft it is. Sure, you missed your life upstairs, but you sacrificed that life to be in a happier one with Emerson.

Emerson would be very loving and sweet to you. He would always kiss you on the nose and hands.
He wasn't romantic, nor flirty, but he was very loving and passionate.

He would always shower you with gifts and hold your hand. If you were ever feeling slightly anxious or sad, he'd bring your hand to his lips, kiss it, and rub shapes in the back of your hand.

His cuddling would be facing each other and holding hands. Since he was a corpse, he was quite cold, and the room was already cold. You didn't want to freeze.

Male Anastasia

Anastasius would always be fiddling with his necklace, but ever since you guys got together, he'd be fiddling with your hand instead.
Being with him would include a lot of kisses to the jaw and shoulder.

Anastasius would teasingly flirt with you a lot, and he's always be stroking your face with his hand. Anastasius LOVES your face, he loves kissing it, touching it, messing with it, he just loves it.

His hand will almost always be caressing your cheek or upper neck.
If he was feeling romantic or flirty, he would make your face so red, that a tomato red looked like a pastel color.

His cuddling would be facing each other and having you wrapped in his arms, it reminds him that you are safe and okay.

What did you think about this concept? Should I do more scenarios like this with different characters while still doing the oneshots, or just stick to the oneshots?

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