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Luke's P.O.V

Lara's boyfriend (I think he is) is really pissing me off, he said I have aids and being a little protective and nosey.

"Luke, you know Liam isn't my boyfriend?" She giggled, making me calm down a little

"Who the hell is he then?" I ask

"My brother" She chuckles and Liam laughs just as loud.

"Luke, you were jealous over her brother" Calum teased

"Wait aren't you dating my other sister?" Liam questions

"Do you like my little sister more than my other little sister that YOUR dating" He starts to yell

"Ignore Calum, he is joking and really annoying me" I stammer

"Ok" He sighs as he sits back on the lounge, I calm down but then it turns dead silent. Everyone looks tired and exhausted, Liam looks like he is about to fall asleep and so does Lara. Its around 11:30pm and everyone looks a mess.

"do you guys want to stay the night?" I ask everyone.

"Ok, I'm too tired to catch a bus" Lara sighs

"same" Liam moans as he tries to fall asleep on the couch.

"Do you have a bed anywhere?" Lara asks

"Calum is taking the spare bed and Liam has the couch so you going to have to share with one of us" I say, her eyes widen as she heard those words

"Oh my god" She mumbles underneath her breath

"Well, theres not enough room on the couch...." She sighs

"Who has the biggest bed out of you two?" She sighs

"Luke does" Calum sighs as he starts to walk to bed.

"well, I guess I'm sharing with you" She sighs as she rolls her eyes.

I give her some pyjamas my 25 year old sister used to wear and she put them on in my bathroom and she took no time. I went under the covers and she stood there looking at me with a bothered look on her face.

"Can you not take up the whole bed?" She laughs

"Who said?" I smirked

"Me, now move" She says as she shoves me over and puts herself under the covers.

A few minutes later I randomly put my arms around her waists and she squirms around a bit.

"What are you doing?" She asks

"I don't know" I smile, she just sighs and ignores my arms. She falls asleep before I even close my eyes, I move my face closer to her head until I reach her hair and I snuggle my face on her hair. I didn't wake her up but I felt happy, this is what I want, I want her and I've always had I just didn't realise it until now, I love her.

I know this is the shortest chapter ever and all but its 11pm and I'm tired ok? so Ik my friend @tyleroakleyisdabest is somehow going to make fun of this chapter because I think she hates all of this lovey dovey stuff (whatever you call it) but rn I don't really care! If you haven't read the chapters before please do because they aren't getting any views anymore

:((( If you love me you would help me :D so yeah, comment your thoughts on my shitty writing and please correct me if I make and grammar mistakes, thanks x

- Lara x

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