Chapter 6

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Y/N pov

With Christmas eve tomorrow, I was running around since early this morning with the help of Lizzie and my mum to get everything set. Lizzie held onto the ring for me while Rose kept her mum distracted.

"Are you ready for tomorrow?" Lizzie asked me.

"I'm really nervous. Like so nervous I could piss my pants." I told her.

"Please don't do that." She spoke with disgust. "But she will say yes. You have nothing to worry about. I haven't seen her look at you with anyone else. She is so in love with you."

"Thank you." I whispered as I pulled her in for a hug.

"So, I meet you guys here and take Rose and slip you the ring." She stated as I confirmed with a simple nod. "This is going to be perfect."

"Thank you for all of this Lizzie." I spoke with sincerity. She gave me a smile as we decided to go for coffee. I am thankful for the job that I got with Marvel because I found the love of my life and my best friend.

Scarlett's pov

Today is Christmas eve and Y/N was out all day yesterday for some reason but they decided to go to the park today, the three of us as a family.

"Y/N I have something for you." Rose spoke as she came running down the stairs.

"What is it princess." She asked as she knelt down to her level.

"I made you a card." She spoke with a bright smile as she handed Y/N the card. I could see as Y/N read it, she had tears in her eyes.

"I love you Rosebud." She hugged her close as Rose wrapped her little arms around her. I had to snap a picture because it was something that I want to cherish forever.

"Let's go." Rose said as she pulled away from Y/N and dragged the two of us out to Y/N's car. Y/N put her in her seat making sure she was secure before handing her her phone.

"You know the drill Rose." She said before she closed the door. We were soon met with the soundtrack of Moana. I smiled when both Y/N and Rose sang along to the radio.

"So what is the plan?" I asked Y/N as she drove.

"Well, we are going to skate. Drink hot chocolate and see the christmas lights." She said with a smile. I could hear that she was nervous about something but I didn't know what.

When we reached the ice rink, we got our skates and we both held Rose's hands as we skated. I loved hearing Rose's laughter as she let Y/N and I lead her around.

It felt amazing the three of us skating around. Enjoying the holiday together.

This was something that Rose had needed. She needed another parental figure who would treat her as their own and she found that in Y/N.

"You know Y/N is an amazing skater." I told Rose who looked amazed.

"I wanna see mama." She begged Y/N who gave me a glare.

"Just for you little princess." Y/N told her. She made sure that I had tight hold of her hand so she wouldn't lose her balance when she let go. Rose watched in amazement as Y/N done a routine.

"Whoa." She said as Y/N done a jump and spin but soon fell and went sliding on her ass making Rose and I laugh at her.

"I'm a little rusty on the landing." Y/N said as she skated back to us.

"Just a little?" I teased her earning a playful glare.

"How about some hot chocolate?" Y/N asked Rose who nodded in reply excitedly.

The three of us gave our skates back and got our shoes on. We walked to the coffee stand and ordered our drinks to keep warm.

"This is nice." I whispered to Y/N as we stood under the big christmas tree.

"It is." She replied softly. She took my empty cup from my hands and took them to the bin before coming back. I watched as she took both of my hands and held them in theirs.

"Are you ok baby?" I asked her as she nodded.

"I am." She breathed with a smile. "I just have a few things to say."

"You're not breaking up with me are you?" I asked her now nervous myself.

"I would never dream of it. You are everything to me Scarlett. You and Rose are everything to me." She spoke sincerely. "I uh I have pictured this moment in my head for weeks and it seems perfect. But I know that I want this." She pointed between us both. "For the rest of my life. I want to wake up next to you for the rest of my life. I want to have a family with you. Some siblings for Rose because I know for sure is that she will be an amazing big sister." I giggled slightly. "I know that I am in way over my head because you're you and I'm just me but you love me regardless of my differences."

"I love you because of you." I interrupted her.

"Let me finish please." She begged making me chuckle. "I have achieved the greatest thing in my life and that is Rose's approval of us and I have planned this with her. She helped me with this."

I watched as she got down on one knee with a velvet box in her hands. I covered my mouth with my hand in shock.

"Scarlett Ingrid Johansson. I want to be able to love you for the rest of my life. Tell you how beautiful you are even on days that you think you're not. I want to be by your side through all of your successes." She opened the box to display a beautiful ring. "Would you do me the honour of making my dream come true and be my wife?"

I just nodded my head as the tears fell from my eyes. My throat dry from all of the emotions that were escaping me.

"Is that a yes?" She asked with bright eyes.

"It's a yes." I whispered as she slipped the ring on my finger and I pulled her up into a passionate kiss. Every emotion I felt in that moment poured into it. We pulled apart when I heard Rose's cheers and saw Lizzie stood there with her. "You both knew?" I asked the two.

"Well Y/N wanted someone to watch her while they asked." Lizzie told her friend as they shared a hug.

"Thank you." I told her with a smile which she returned. We both turned to see Y/N and Rose celebrating like a bunch of goofs. I was happy to have this life with them.

This wasn't how I expected to celebrate christmas eve. I never expected this and to see that Y/N and Rose put this together really gave me hope.

The final chapter dudes. I hope you enjoyed this holiday fic.

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