Chapter 3

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Y/N pov

Today Rose and I were picking up the ring as Lizzie decided to invite Scar around. I was extremely nervous about Christmas eve now. I haven't felt this nervous since Lizzie pushed me to ask her out.

I was spotting Lizzie as she was doing some free weights. But as always she deems this a good time to ask about my non existent love life.

"You know you should ask her out." She stated as I just chuckled and looked at my watch.

"Wow you lasted almost 10 minutes with out mentioning my love life." I teased her as she just chuckled.

"I'm being serious Y/N." She said as she put the weights down and stretched a little. "You never know what would happen. Just ask her."

"Yeah, what if she says no." I countered. "I would be humiliated and want to jump off of the roof."

"Are you sure you're not an actress. You're very dramatic." She smirked as we went towards the fast ball.

"It's just that I really like her Lizzie and I don't know what I would do even if I lost her as a friend because of my stupid feelings." I told her as U wrapped her hands and wrists for support.

"Well I can assure you that she has to say yes because anyone would be lucky as hell to be with you." She told me making me smile a little. "So ask her." As if on cue, Scar walked in ready for her session. "Go and ask her Y/N." Lizzie whispered as I just shook my head at her before walking towards Scar.

"Hey Y/N." She greeted me with a smile that makes my whole world stop spinning.

"Hey." I said as we started on the treadmill for a warm up. "Uhm can I ask you something." I asked her as she nodded. "Uh would you maybe I dunno maybe like to maybe go maybe on a date with me? Maybe?" I rambled as she smiled softly at me.

"Real smooth Y/N." I heard Lizzie from across the room making me chuckle.

"Just ignore her." I told Scar as she just laughed.

"Pick me uo Friday at 7." She told me with a smile.

"For real?" I asked her.

"Don't question it Y/N." Lizzie called over.

"Don't have somewhere to be?" I asked her as she just laughed.

"Nope. This is more fun." She said as she stopped at the fast ball to get a drink of water.

"Yes for real." Scar confirmed when she finished on the treadmill and kissed my cheek before moving on to the next station.

Rose and I had finally gotten the ring and we decided to go for ice cream.

"So are you excited?" She asked me as I smiled at her.

"I am. And I am also really nervous." I told her honestly.

"Why are you nervous?" She asked me.

"Well your mum has been married before and maybe she might not want to be married again." I pondered as I played with my ice cream.

"People get married when they love each other." Rose stated and I nodded in confirmation wanting to see where this will go. "You love my mum and she loves you." She stated as I just nodded. "So she will say yes because she loves you and I love you." She finished making me smile.

"I love you too Rose." I told her with a bright smile.

Scarlett's pov

I was at Lizzie's having a girls day while Y/N took Rose. It's really weird that they're spending so much time together.

"Why do you think Y/N and Rose are spending so much time together?" I asked her as she gave me a look of confusion.

"I honestly couldn't tell you." She told me as I just nodded.

"It's just weird. All of a sudden they are both spending so much time together when it was usually a struggle to get Rose to go anywhere with Y/N." I told her as she just hummed.

"Maybe Rose has realised that Y/N is in it for the long haul and not just a quick fling." She told me as I nodded. My insecurities disappearing at the thought.

I was pacing the room getting ready for my date with Y/N. Lizzie came over to help me get ready.

"Why am I so nervous?" I asked her as she chuckled looking through my closet.

"Because you really like her." She stated as she picked out a simple black dress.

"I do. I really do." I smiled as I took the dress from her. "But I barely know her." I told her through the bathroom door.

"That is the point of these dates. You can get to know each other more than you would think." She told me as I soon stepped out of the bathroom. She pointed at the chair next to my vanity ordering me to sit which I did. "Trust me Scar, she is just as nervous as you about this." She said as she started on my make up. She chose to do light make up so it didn't seem like I was trying to hard.

"But I want something to last a lifetime. Since Romain I have kind of fell out with relationships because I don't feel I am worthy of anyone." I whispered as she hit my arm with the brush.

"Maybe this is it Scar. Y/N could be the one who you will be with until you're both grey and old." She told me as I just smiled. "I'm sure Y/N has the same insecurities because she is a gym instructor and you are a household name."

"You're right. Thank you Liz." I told her as she finished my hair.

"Now go and win that girls heart." She said as she handed me my shoes. Just as I was tying them up the door bell went. "I'll get it." Lizzie smiled. As I was finishing with my shoes, I could hear a small conversation between Lizzie and Y/N.

"Are you sure this is a good idea?" Y/N spoke nervously.

"Y/N, she likes you as much as you like her." She reassured her making me smile at how nervous Y/N was too.

I decided to make my presence known and couldn't help the smile on my face as Y/N saw me. My heart rate picked up as she gazed at me with loving eyes. She wore a navy shirt and grey pants and her leather jacket holding a bouquet of flowers in her hand.

"You look amazing Scarlett." She spoke softly as she handed me the flowers.

"Thank you." I smiled as I lifted the flowers to smell.

"I'll take care of these, you two go and have fun." Lizzie said as she practically kicked us out of my apartment. When she shut the door, Y/N and I shared a laugh as she held her arm out for me to hold as we walked to our first date.


Another little chapter. Who likes the Y/N and Rose bonding sessions and ice cream trips. Shes deffo too smart for her age.

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