"I'll have to go searching since I deleted my old Instagram when I became a trainee. I'm sure I saved them somewhere else though."

"I need to see a picture of you with those god awful filters." Y/n said to me as she sat back up on the bed. I smiled at her,

"I promise I'll show you them at some point."


The rest of the day, y/n and I spent doing our own things which I was completely fine with. But I wasn't fine with a knock coming on my door around 6pm to find three morons on the other side of it. They just walked past me into my hotel room and made themselves comfortable, staring at me.

"What?" I asked as they just kept their eyes on me.

"Well tell us how good it was!" Jennie said as my eyes shot over to Lisa, giving her a death glare as she told Jennie and Jisoo that y/n and I had sex last night. Lisa just pretended to look around the room to avoid my glare and I sighed, shaking my head,

"I am not telling you guys anything about last night." A chorus of boos followed after I said that and I rolled my eyes at them.

"We're like sisters! Come on, Rosie! We've told you shit that's even more personal than sex! Tell us!" Lisa complained as I looked at her oddly,

"Why are you so pushy about wanting to know my sex life? What is this obsession?"

"It's not an obsession. It's just that the last time you had sex was like...when you were 17 with that one trainee. We've fucked people since and you haven't, so it's a big deal!"

"Rosie, you can spare us details, just rate it on a scale from 1-10." Jisoo chimed in as I felt my face begin to heat up more as my mind wandered back to last night. I heard squeals from the girls and I shushed them, covering my face with my hands as I mumbled out a response,

"Maybe like a 9."

The girls had a field day with my answer and were clapping and cheering, wanting to know why I ranked it a 9 out of 10.

"Jesus, am I really going to have to explain myself?" I asked them as they all nodded their heads, making me sigh as my face was still on fire, "fine. I gave it a 9 instead of a 10 because it was just her pleasuring me and I wanted to do her at least once; but I'm not complaining, I really enjoyed it."

"Our little Rosie being a switch, they grow up so fast." Jennie said, wiping away a fake tear.

"I thought you'd be a bottom. Miss Pillow Princess, if you will." I gawked at Lisa,

"What the fuck?!"

"What? Can you blame me? You just don't really have that attitude or vibe of a normal top, especially compared to y/n."

"I can very much be a top, fucking ask her," my eyes widened and I quickly backtracked, "wait, don't fucking ask her. Don't ever ask her. She obviously doesn't know that I've told you three."

"Do you think she's told the guys about you and her?" Jisoo asked me as I shrugged my shoulders, never really thinking about that,

"I have no idea. They don't seem to act different or anything; no knowing glances and whatnot, which you three need to work on because I've caught you three looking at y/n and I like you know we've slept together."

"Well sorry, I'll go to acting school to learn to better control my facial expressions around my best friend and her secret." Lisa sarcastically said.

"I don't want you to talk anymore," I grumbled to Lisa as she just snickered to herself. I decided to shift the conversation, "when is our flight tonight?"

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