First Day

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"Today you begin your training. I know this seems stressful. Maybe a little scary. But remember this is your purpose as a doll. And I would never let you fail. I've dedicated my entire life to making you sure you go to the Big World. That's right. I'm doing this for you, and you, and you!" Lou says as he points to dolls.

"Me?" A doll says with an ugly sign around his neck.

"Yes you!" Lou shouts.

"Wait. So this whole You're ugly. You're trash song. That was because you loved me?" The boy asks curiously.

"Of course I love you. I love all of you. And I will take you there!" Lou shouts as fireworks shoot into the sky.

"I wanna hate him. I mean I really wanna dislike this guy. But I gotta respect the man's fireworks budget." Ugly Dog says.

"It is a nice touch despite the judgmental attitude." Alexis says.

"I'm so awesome. But I'm here to get you pretty. Because pretty makes perfect. And I don't know about you, but that sounds pretty great to me! So let's get started! Do you want to find yourself on the business end of a permanent marker? Today you're going to practice how to avoid stains, smudges and spills. Or as I like to call them The S's of Messes. Thank you. I actually came up with that one myself..." Lou says as he notices Moxy and the group having fun with glue as Alexis giggles slightly before stopping as she sees Lou go over to the others.

"Sorry. Don't kids have fun getting messy? Wait. Was this part of the test?" Moxy asks nervously.

"Yes it was. And you passed!" Lou shouts as he smiles.

"Really?" Alexis asks in disbelief.

"Enjoy the Big World!" Lou shouts as the group takes off to a light revealed by some curtains as Alexis stays in her seat.

"Are you guys ready? What?" Moxy asks as a door closes behind the group.

"This students is what happens to dolls who get messy." Lou says as the group is in a large washing machine.

"Isn't this a little harsh?" Alexis asks worriedly as she goes over to Lou.

"Well it's appears someone managed to stay clean. Nicely done. But my dear messes are harsh. They get out through the wash! Every time you go through the washer you come out a little less perfect. One day the washer won't save you and your child's parent's will throw you away! I just don't want to see any of you get rejected. So if you want to pass these tests avoid mess. Stay out of the wash." Lou says as he smirks and walks off as Alexis glares at him slightly before looking at the others.

"You guys alright?" Alexis asks as she opens the door.

"We're good. Soaked and bubbly but good." Ugly Dog says as he shakes some of the bubbles off his head.

"You guys. He's right. We've got to focus. From this point forward we do it Lou's way!" Moxy says determinedly.


"My, my. I'm impressed." Lou says as he goes over to Moxy and the others who look very fuzzy from the washing machine.

"Thanks." Moxy says happily.

"And yet...never mind." Lou says.

"What?" Moxy says as Alexis looks at Lou.

"Far be it from me to discourage you." Lou says.

"Yeah no. That's really hard to do." Moxy says as Alexis nods.

"Of course it is. But, just between us, no matter how agile or unshakable you may be when you look up there at that perfectly pretty doll and all the joy she comes with. Do you honestly think your little band of sock puppets stands a chance here? Okay. Carry on tryin'. But like I always say pretty makes perfect. Good luck at the Gauntlet tomorrow." Lou says as he walks off.

"Maybe Lou is right. If pretty is what he wants we can do pretty." Moxy says as she looks at the others.

"Oh no. Don't even look at me like that. I came here with you but I ain't dressing like one of them. You can forget that idea with me Moxy. I happen to love my wolfy exterior. If you'll excuse me I am gonna go take a look around." Alexis says as she walks off.


Later as Alexis is standing outside a house with a small box in her hands she then exhales.

"Okay. Let's get this over with." Alexis says as she knocks on the door before the door opens revealing Lou.

"Uh how did you find where I live and why are you here?" Lou asks annoyedly.

"Look you don't like us and I don't like you but I did want to at least say thank you for allowing my friends to get a trying chance at their dream. You haven't made it easy in the slightest but that chance means the world to them. So thank you. Oh uh here. I got this for you." Alexis says as she hands lou the box.

"What is it and you still didn't answer my question. Least not entirely." Lou says as he looks at the box.

"I'm part wolf. Kinda in my line of work to be a good tracker. I also asked around. But as far as the box open it. You'll see what it is. It's just my way of saying thank you." Alexis says says as she pushes a strand of hair behind her ear.

"Cookies?" Lou asks as he opens the box.

"Yeah. I have a bit of a baking hobby. I don't expect you to want them or eat them for that matter. I mean you clearly don't want us here but I still wanted to say thank you in some way for giving my friends the chance you did." Alexis says as she smiles slightly.

"Why do you keep saying your friends? Don't you mean you and them?" Lou asks curiously.

"No I mean my friends. Look I'm only here because of them... As well as Moxy made a good argument to come along rather than trying to get back home by myself with Wage." Alexis says.

"But don't you wanna go to the Big World like them?" Lou asks in surprise.

"That would be my business. I really only came here to say thank you so I prefer not to go into detail about my personal business if you don't mind." Alexis says in slight annoyance.

"Well then answer me this. If you knew all of this about me then why are you being so nice? You clearly don't like how I'm doing you and your friends even though you have made much better progress than them. Which I am impressed with by the way. Never thought a doll like you could maintain such perfectness. But why are you being so kind with knowing everything?" Lou asks in surprise.

"Simple pretty boy. I'm just that kind. Besides to me perfect isn't everything anyway. I naturally try to remain clean and keep my composure." Alexis says proudly.

"Does any of the other dolls where you all live look like you? You're the first doll I've ever seen with ears or a tail." Lou says as he looks at Alexis curiously.

"Nope. Just me. Couldn't tell you why. Don't even know myself. Anyway I'll let you be. That's all I had to say." Alexis says before leaving.


"So you really talked to Lou earlier?" Mandy asks as Alexis is walking with her to where the others are.

"Yep." Alexis says bluntly.

"And he wasn't mad you randomly showed up? Usually he isn't welcoming of visitors to his home." Mandy says.

"Meh. Besides he wants to get an attitude so can I." Alexis says as she smiles.

"You guys really are different than everyone." Mandy says as she smiles.

"Yep and we're proud of that. What in the?" Alexis asks as she and Mandy go inside the building to see the others with wild looks.

"Oh my doll." Mandy says.

"We-we thought we give it a try." Moxy says nervously.

"If I'm being honest I think you all kinda look great just the way you are. Well before all this. Look if you're gonna do this can I do it for you at least?" Mandy asks as she begins helping the others with their look at Alexis watches.

Perfect Isn't Everything UglyDolls Lou X OC AlexisWhere stories live. Discover now