Chapter 13

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Disclaimer, most everything is not created by me. JK Rowling and Rick Riordan get the credit.

Percy pov

The end of the year came without ceremony and was honestly a sigh of relief for most. Harry had said that he was glad that exams were over. Apparently, his friend Hermione was so nervous about them that she had started studying a solid month in advance. Not that she needed to. The end of year exam for my class was re-doing the fitness test. Luckily everyone had some improvement in all areas. I made sure that there were no performance enhancing potions and spells in effect. I docked several points and lowered the grade of the cheaters down to P.

At the end of year feast, it was announced that Hufflepuff won the house cup. It was also announced to the school that Professor Quirrel had disappeared. In reality, he had been found dead in front of this mirror that Albus set up as a protection. Far as anyone could figure out based on evidence, he had been possessed by Voldy for most of the year. The face on the back of his head under his turban made this obvious. He then went after the Sorcerer's stone only to get stumped at the last protection. Quirrel's body likely gave out, causing Voldy's spirit to flee as the man died. Now I can understand Nico's recent rambling. People who don't somehow die when they are supposed to are annoying.

By now everyone had gotten used to the blue food. The feast was delicious anyway. I heard that many students were sad to leave, and others could not wait to leave. Hogwarts may be a cool school, but sometimes that does not compare to home. I could hear Dorothy saying 'there is no place like home' over and over again in my head. Annabeth gave me a look, telling me that she was not amused at my thoughts.

The train ride home was uneventful. That Malfoy kid tried to harass Harry again. But then again, there were two teachers present. Ron and Hermione joined us in the compartment. They started talking about summer plans. Harry let them know that we were going to America for most of the summer. Including his birthday, mainly because a lot of extended family live there. The two were slightly disappointed but were ok with it. Ron had wanted to be invited, but his family had plans during the time. He promised to somehow send Harry's birthday present. Hermione was going to France for a couple weeks, she said she would rather wait until Harry was back from the States to give him his birthday present.

We said goodbye at the train station, and flooed home. We lazed for about a day. Then we packed for going to America. Mostly camp stuff for Harry. He was allowed to bring some of his weapons to train with. Once packed, we flashed to Camp, ready for the adventures of summer.

I know that this is short, but I was having trouble coming up with ideas. Either way, year one is done! Wonder how I will start year two. If anyone has ideas for Dobby, I would love to hear them. Thank you for the support in this story. The comments are appreciated.


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