Chapter 12

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I don't own the characters, or the setting.

Harry pov

I was in the library doing homework. Ron was there too. I could tell that he had taken a break from actually doing homework. I was nearly finished when Hermione came by.

"I'm so stupid. I checked this out ages ago for a little bit of light reading." The large heavy book she was carrying thumped on the table. It looked really old.

"You call that light?" Ron asked. I mean, my mom would say the same thing, and Dad and I would just look at her wondering why she would call a book that definitely weighed a few pounds light. Hermione just gave him this look. It read as 'not today'. So, what is she talking about? She quickly flipped to the page she wanted. Then she read in a hushed voice about the Sorcerer's stone. Oh, I never told them I knew about that. I was snapped out of it when Ron said that Professor Snape was going to try and steal it.

"Woah hold up. What makes you think that he wants to steal it?" Ron looks at me like I am crazy. Hermione says, "we don't know for sure, but someone is trying to steal it." She gave Ron a pointed look.

"Well, I have no idea how long you two have worked on this, but Professor Snape would not be after the Stone. He may be a slightly bad teacher, but according to my parents, he is one of the teachers who set up a protection around the Stone. A hard one at that." Now they just looked at me in shock, "what?"

"You knew?"

"Well, my parents are teachers, so I asked them about the Cerberus puppy. They explained everything to me. The teacher I would bet on stealing the Stone would be Quirrell. There is something off about him." Now my friends looked like they were thinking they were stupid. It's true that I never told them, but they never thought to ask me. I was now officially done with my homework, so I asked them if they were open to visiting Hagrid.

Time skip

We walked down to the gamekeeper's hut where Hagrid lived. We knocked on the door, expecting to be happily let in. Instead it was not as happy. I understood when I saw the egg in a pot over the fire. He knew he was doing something that he shouldn't, but couldn't help himself. It was quickly revealed that he was illegally in possession of a dragon egg.

"I won it, down at the pub. Seemed pretty eager to get rid of it." I put my head in my hands. Dragons were dangerous, of course the guy was getting rid of it.

"Hagrid, owning dragon eggs is illegal, you could go to prison for this." That seemed to shock him. Guess he never really looked into the law when it came to dangerous creatures.

"I'll see if my parents know someone who can smuggle it out." By the time we made it back to the castle, it was past curfew, so we tried not to get caught on the way back to the common room. No such luck. Malfoy had seen us, and tattled to our head of house, who gave all four of us detention for being out after hours. Malfoy looked like he had swallowed a dirty shoe whole, when he realized that he got detention for getting us in detention. No one could say that McGonnagal was unfair.

I still went to see my parents later, and asked about the dragon problem. They said they would get in touch with someone. That is what I relayed to my friends and Hagrid. The night of our detention, Hagrid told me that Nico came earlier and took the egg away. Good, now no one will get in trouble for that. Filch gave us to Hagrid who took us into the forest. Apparently, something had been slaying the unicorns, and one was badly hurt and needed medical attention. I was all over that. Despite the Forbidden Forest being forbidden. Unicorns were technically horses. Dad has talked to them on occasion.

We split up. I was with Malfoy and Fang. As we were walking we came across a Nico- um, thestral. Making sure Malfoy wasn't paying attention, I whispered to it.

"There is a wounded unicorn, can you lead us to it?" The thestral nodded. Then led the way quickly. Malfoy only followed me, complaining the whole way. Soon we came to a clearing where the wounded unicorn was. Looming over it was a cloaked figure. Malfoy yelled and ran along with Fang. Like a typical coward. The figure approached me, when suddenly a centaur burst into the clearing. The centaur drove away the figure. I hurried to the unicorn and started trying to heal it using the first aid kit Apollo gave me for Christmas two years ago. The centaur joined me in silence. I guess only the American centaurs are loud. It would make sense.

"Harry Potter," the centaur said, "the forest is not safe for you." I continued to work on the unicorn.

"I appreciate the sentiment, but my full name is Harry Potter-Jackson. I was adopted by Perseus and Annabeth. If you have any contact with those in America, you will understand what I have said." The centaur nodded.

"I was not aware of that. Forgive me. My name is Firenze." Soon the others showed up.

"Hello, Firenze. I see that you found the unicorn, Harry." Another centaur entered the clearing. Hagrid greeted him with the name Bane.

"Mars shines bright tonight." I looked up to the sky to see that Mars was bright. I knew what he ment though. Hagrid only nodded, as if he was tired of hearing these things from the centaurs. He really should pay attention to what they say though. Mars shining bright means that war is coming. After all Mars is the roman conterpart of Ares.

"Neptune shines as well tonight." I replied. Practically stating my adoptive heritage. Bane turned to face me, "So it does, young one." He bowed slightly, and I returned the gesture. I was taught to respect others after all. In my peripheral vision I saw that everyone else was shocked. The two centaurs left. Leaving us to deal with a unicorn that was now on the road to recovery.

A good 1038 words. What do you think? When I first read the part about Mars, I honestly wondered why no one took the centaurs warning seriously. Then I realized that no one bothered to learn about Greek and Roman mythology. Before you ask, I read Harry Potter before Percy Jackson. Anyway, I also wanted to let people know that I do have two other fanfics. Voltron: Altean Lance, and Return. I promise that both are funny, and I encourage you guys to try reading them if you like this one. Especially Return, as it is a Harry Potter fanfic. Enjoy!


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