Chapter 11

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I don't own Harry Potter or Percy Jackson. No matter how much I want to.

Annabeth pov

I was starting to relax on the train ride home. We left the school with everyone else in the carriages. Most of the student population thought nothing pulled them, but the few that could see the Thestrals knew better. Percy and Harry kept snickering at the 'Nico crossed with a pegasus'. I will never admit it, but that made me laugh.

I said starting to, of course a blond boy with grey eyes opened the door without knocking. "No wonder Harry is annoyed with him. He doesn't learn his lesson, and keeps nagging him." The student noticed that there were not one, but two teachers in the compartment. The boy then scowled and left. If he tries anything, I will end him in the most humiliating way possible.

The rest of the trip was quiet. We soon arrived home and started our holiday traditions. Including some presents to put under the tree. Most of the things we do are American family traditions, a couple of them are Greek in the sense of desserts. Percy's favorite is the blue boat ornament we make him every year. We have quite the collection. On the 21st, Percy leaves for Olympus for the Solstice Meeting. He also takes time to visit the camps to see how they are doing. So far there have been no disastrous prophecies, or attacks beyond the usual. I know that he delivered some Christmas cards to our friends over there. As he came back with some and some presents as well.

Time skip

I was woken up by Harry on Christmas morning. He actually woke Percy up for once. Usually Percy is up around the same time. We followed our adopted son to the tree, where a huge pile of presents waited. Percy got a few blue and sea themed t-shirts, a tin of blue cookies, and a few sets of expensive robes that I thought looked decent. A few cards for all of us from the camps. I got quite a few books in Ancient Greek. A couple architecture models, and a cd filled with blackmail on Percy. Not that he knows. Harry got a stash of blue candy, a stash of wizard candy, two enchanted notebooks, a turtle stuffed animal, a sweater from the Weasley family (complete with an invite to their house), a skull ring from Nico along with a note that explains that it can summon a skeleton warrior if he ever needs it. I am going to send Nico to his father the hard way for this.

The last present held James' invisibility cloak. The headmaster returned it to Harry. When I noticed that it felt similar to Nico, I decided to ask about it next time I called him, to berate him. Then my domain of knowledge acted up. I thought I had control of it. Nevermind, I will be speaking with Thanatos about his gambling habits. Ridiculous. I just won't tell anyone right now. It's Christmas.

We IMd Sally and Paul to give a Merry Christmas after eating breakfast. Afterwards we let Harry send an owl to the Weasleys letting them know that we were free to visit in a couple days.

The visit with the Weasleys was pleasant. Ginny seemed a little shy, but proved to be just as outgoing as her brothers. It was fun for most of us. Of course, all pranks were kept at bay. The feast of a dinner was rather good for English food. After that was New Years and then having to return to the school. It was relaxing. Just as I had hoped. Always good to have a break before going back to the daily fights.

Sorry for the short chapter. I really had nothing to go off of. So, I winged it. This is what came out of it. I really wanted to get the cloak in. Sorry for the brief hiatus. Summer as a whole was crazy. It will take a while to get the next chapter up, so please be patient. Thank you all for reading, last I saw there were over a thousand active readers. Hope you all enjoy!


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