Chapter 10

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Disclaimer, I do not own characters, etc.

Harry pov

I sat down in charms class, ready to learn. Seamus Finnigan was next to me, while Ron and Hermione were partnered up. Professor Flitwick, the Head of Ravenclaw and Charms teacher, stood on a stack of books. He got everyones attention.

"The object of this lesson is levitation. Or, the ability to make objects fly. You all have your feathers in front of you? Good. Remember that nice wrist movement we've been working on? The swish and flick? Everyone now. Swish and flick." Everyone in the class made the wand movement. "Good, now, the incantation is 'wingardium leviosa'. Your goal is to levitate the feather. Off you go." The room filled with voices saying the incantation.

"Wingadrium leviosar!" Ron waved his wand harshly.

"Stop, stop. You're going to take someone's eye out. Besides, you're saying it wrong. It's win-GAR-dium levi-O-sa." Hermione stated. Honestly, I thought that it was a good thing that Ron stopped waving his wand. The way Hermione corrected his pronunciation was a bit too snooty.

"Well, then you do it, if you're so smart."

"Wingardium Leviosa," Hermione said as she waved her wand. The feather started to float. Then I decided to actually give it a try, as I had yet to do anything, "wingardium leviosa." My feather joined Hermione's.

"Oh, look! See here everyone! Miss Granger's done it! And Mister Potter as well. 10 points to Gryffindor." Then Seamus started repeating the spell in hopes of getting it. The feather blew up in his face. I feel like that is going to happen a lot. After class, Ron started going on about Hermione being a know-it-all.

"It's Levi-O-sa, not leviosar. She's a nightmare, honestly."

"You do remember my Mom, Professor Jackson? They are the same. Anyways, why are you so mean to her?" Ron grumbled something. I was about to ask for a repeat when Hermione rushed past in tears.

"I think she heard you."


"So go and appologize."

"Why? It's not like I care." I sighed. I had pieced together that he might be jealous of Hermione, so I rolled with that along with his hatred of Malfoy.

"I can tell that you might be jealous that she can get spells to work easily, but that is only because she actually works at it. And right now, you are kind of acting like Malfoy. Belittling others. That is no way to act." Ron stared at me wide eyed, "I'm acting like Malfoy?"

"Yes, now, if you don't want to be like him, appologize to Hermione personally and try to be her friend." Ron nodded vigorously, before running off to find her.

By the next time class rolled around, the two really were acting like friends. I told Hermione that maybe she should soften her tone when correcting someone, instead of blatantly saying everything that they did wrong and no positive encouragement. That seemed to help the two of them a lot. Ron started actually being confident and working at the spells. I was happy that my two friends started getting along.

Percy pov

The Halloween feast. An explosion of sugar and treats. Jack-o-lanterns were floating in place of the usual candles. Putting a festive mood to the Great Hall. Everyone was enjoying the food, mine was blue as usual, when Professor Quirrell ran in.

"Troll! In the dungeon! Troll in the dungeon! Thought you ought to know." He then fell forward. Did he faint? Forwards? No, he most likely passed out from exhaustion. These people just can't run very far. It was sad. The hall was in chaos. Students were shouting and screaming. That Malfoy kid was pretty high pitched.

"Silence!" Albus has some pretty good lungs. He didn't even use a spell. "Now everyone please, don't panic. We will calmly leave the hall. Prefects will lead the way back to the dormitories."

"Slytherin dorms are in the dungeons!" I whisper-shouted at him. Don't want to cause more of a panic.

"Except for the Slytherins, Professor Snape will tell the prefects where to go. After all students have left, me and a few other teachers will face the troll in the dungeons." The students then left quietly.

Albus, Minerva, and Filius went after the troll. They were technically the only ones that were truly qualified for the job. The rest of the teachers went on patrol around the castle, just in case. On my route, I found Severus and Quirrell on the forbidden corridor. I hid behind the corner. Tuning into my domain of loyalty, I saw something interesting. Severus was loyal to Albus, while Quirrell was loyal to Voldemort. Of course, the guy who is trying to come back will send someone, a servant most likely, after what he wants, rather than get it himself. Typical bad guys of the week in my opinion.

After their tussle, I turned the corner to see Severus with a bite in his leg. Ouch, at least it wasn't three bites.

"Oh, Severus, did you get too close?" He just looked up at me. Probably wondering how I even knew of the puppy called Fluffy. I went to his side to help him walk.

"Let's get to the infirmary. Who knows what could be in that bite?" He seemed shocked that someone would help him without question. I guess it doesn't happen very often.


"Well, I have come across one before, and I know what can happen if you get too close to the-"

"No, why would you help me?" I gave him a look that said 'are you stupid'?

"You are a fellow teacher. And if you are talking about the whole house rivalry thing, I don't care, never was sorted, and I've known too many good people who could very well be Slytherins if they ever came here." Severus just nodded, accepting that answer. Severus was also part of my other domain, so that was an A+ in my books. Seriously though, Nico, the hunters, a few Apollo campers, and others could easily end up in Slytherin.

Poppy quickly healed Severus's leg, saying that while the bite was not infectious, he could have ended up with a severe limp. Then she went on to rant about how keeping such a dog in the school was not particularly safe, but it was lucky that no students had come in because of it. We all kind of agreed on that. I decided to keep an eye on Quirrell, just in case. I mean, he did seem suspicious.

When the Troll was defeated, the students were notified, but were told to not bother with coming out of the dorms, as it was past curfew. I heard that a couple Gryffindors were disappointed, but that was the only complaint. My bet was the Weasley twins. No doubt, this incident will be the gossip of the next few weeks. I just hope that the holidays will be as relaxing as they sound. Knowing me, they won't.

You have been asking, so here is another 1133 words. In case anyone is wondering about the Ron and Hermione situation, Ron just needed to be curbed a bit earlier in my opinion. He developed some rather nasty habits. Also, in that whole scene, he did act quite a bit like snooty Draco. Did anyone else notice when they read the book?


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