Disclaimer (A/N)

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                                                                              Happy Holidays!

 Thank you for taking the time to go on this adventure with me. Just a quick warning, this book contains scenes of a homosexual nature. If you have issues with that or anything related to the LGBT+ community then this isn't the book for you. Any hate messages or comments will not be tolerated. This book also contains scenes and conversations surrounding things like depression, suicide, sexual assault, violence and strong language. If you find such topics too heavy to handle please be ready to skip ahead as there will be symbols that indicate the beginning and end of the scenes.

Anyway, with the heavy things out of the way. I'd like to welcome you all to my second book, a lot of effort and thought went into it so I hope you enjoy it. Please feel free to comment, vote, share the story and follow me for more updates about this book and many upcoming projects!

xx Nate 

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