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The chapter begins in destiny's bounty, as Wu wakes up the ninja by banging loudly on a cymbal.

Wu: Evil doesn't sleep and neither should you!

The ninja groan.

Wu: In order to reach your full potential, we must greet each day as an opportunity.

Kai: Okay okay, we're up. But if you want us to reach full potential, shouldn't we at least get a full night of rest? *yawn*

Cole: *stretching his back* You call that a rest? I think my back has more lumps than the mattress.

Jay: We were up so late, talking about how cool it is to have a new headquarters, I guess we lost track of time. Since the Serpentine burned down our monastery, I'm just glad we have a roof over our head...

He starts to brush his teeth and spits out some dirt that replaced his toothpaste.

Zane: What is our lesson today, Sensei? Mastering the strike of the Scorpion? Or perhaps the grace of—

the ground break and he cough.

Wu: I think today's lesson would be chores.

Ninja: Chores?!

Cole: Ninja fight, Sensei. They do not clean.

Wu: In order to respect ourselves, we must respect our new home and where we are from. And this place is a long way from becoming a ninja headquarters. I expect things to be spotless when I return. And put your backs into it.

Wu bangs the cymbal before going out.

Kai: *grumbling* This place is gonna take forever to clean and fix up.

Yuno: fortunately for you won't be alone in this...besides..yes this place is gonna take forever to clean..unless..

Jay:..we put more than our backs into it.

Yuno: *smiles* exactly!

Cole: Ninja, go!

Cleans up the room with Spinjitzu. He takes out all the trash and put it outside of the Bounty.

Zane throws the Shurikens of Ice toward the walls of Destiny's Bounty to freeze it. Kai uses the Sword of Fire on the ice

Zane and Kai: Ninja, Go!!

Both of them uses Spinjitzu to melt the rest.


Yuno stood in a room full of dirt and filth, yuno looked at it disgusted.

Yuno: *disgusted* dare challenge the master of wind?!

Yuno puts his finger up, and proceeds to suck all the dirt and filth with his wind into one medium sized ball of filth, before shooting it outside.

Yuno: that was easier than I thought it would be....


Cole and Kai are fixing the machines inside the Destiny's Bounty. Jay uncovers a huge computer system and he tries to use the Nunchucks of Lightning to fix it. All the ninja try to fix the canvas.

Jay: Ninja, Go!


Nya and Sensei Wu enter a room to find the ninja playing a video game while Yuno is doing some exercises.

Kai: What took you so long?

Nya: Wow, This place looks amazing! You guys did all this?

Cole: Ninja don't just fight, Nya. We clean.

Ninjago (Book 1): Gales Of DestinyWhere stories live. Discover now