realizing the full potential

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The chapter begins, showing yuno as he wakes up and going outside as calmly as he can be to not wake up the others, as he went outside he sat down, and began meditating as the cold wind hit his face.

Yuno: (it's been a while since I had this much peace....gotta enjoy it while it lasts..)

Yuno said in his mind, before remembering his conversation with Lloyd yesterday.

Yuno: (ughh..why do you insist so much on following your father, Lloyd..if he wasn't corrupted by that damned snake, it would be fine...he isn't the man he used to be ten years ago..if only-)

Yuno was interrupted by a hand touching his shoulder, he looked beside him and saw Wu sitting down beside him.

Wu: hmm, this ship can use some cleaning.

Yuno: agreed, though, when the ninja wake up, we will clean it.

Wu: guess I have nothing to worry about..

Yuno: sensei...can I request something??

Wu: of course, yuno.

Yuno: *embarrassed* take me under your wings..and teach me again...along with the matter how hard I train...or how relaxed my mind is when I'm meditating..I don't feel my strength growing..the opposite actually...I feel like my strength and skills are decreasing each passing you please help me..

Wu: *smiles* of course yuno...and to assure you, it's fine if you don't feel you're growing in strength..this is what unlocking your full potential is about..right didn't unlock you still have a lot to learn and room to grow..

Yuno: sensei....the truth is...I indeed did unlock my full potential..

Wu: what? Then why didn't you use it against garmadon or Cole?

Yuno: that's the thing...I unlocked it about a month before I met you...but just when I met you again..I couldn't use it for some reason...when you see me doing my absolute best..I feel like there's more I can do..but when I try to reach it..I can't..I'm starting to doubt myself...I feel like my prime is long gone..besides that..I feel like I'm more and more tired every day...I feel like..I'm not cut out to be a ninja..or a fighter anymore...

Wu: nonsense! Do you realize what you said right now?! I thought you were the one who said ninja never quits, and you are thinking about quiting?! Were all my teachings worthless?! You think of quitting because of a feeling, I thought I had taught you better yuno...

Yuno: sensei! No, I didn't mean it like that-

Wu: yuno, listen to me... either it's a feeling or must not let that weaken must not let those emotions control you...only you determine if you're growing or not..even if you're getting weak indeed, that doesn't mean you can't do anything to stop it...and maybe what you thought was your full potential was just an extension of your abilities...either way..we start training tomorrow...I don't want you to think of quitting ever again..understood??

Yuno smiled as he teared up a little, he chuckled.

Yuno: *chuckles* yeah...understood..

Wu: *smiles* good..

The two sat as they watched the darkness of the night going away.

Yuno: you...ever think I will be able to make Lloyd good again?

Wu: it's not about what I think, it won't do anything, what do you want to happen? you know already sensei...lloyd is everything to me...this child was my only light in my days of total darkness..even though he doesn't remember me...he is very dear to me..seeing him following his father's path just..hurts me..he doesn't deserve this..he doesn't deserve being abandoned by his parents...all I to help him see the right path..and to see him truely happy..nothing else...

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