A Father's Unfailing Love (A real life story)

Depuis le début

"Jillian, my beautiful princess! Daddy is leaving soon! Im sorry, for not keeping my promise again on your wedding day! Sorry, im really sorry! I want you to know evenif you failed me, still, Daddy is so proud of you for being a strong woman.. Jillian, i want you to know that... Daddy missed you so much, but i can't be there anymore! I regrets the time i have just wasted away from you... Hope you will forgive me, for all those years i should have spend with you! I love you, my princess... Im tired already, im so tired... I want to sleep....!"

It was the most painful and saddest moment of the De guzman family... specially Jillian... Her father had left her not just for a day, not just for a month, not just for a year but FOREVER! No matter how much she cried, her father won't come back anymore!
the end!


To all sons and daughter's out there, i hope you have learned a lesson from this heart piercing story! Sometimes we have to think broadly and understand everything that happens i our life... Our parents won't always be there for us! someday, wether we like it or not, they are going to leave us. So, while they are still with us, lets not waste time to tell them how much we love them, and show them how much we care!

Guys, i hope you like this inspirational story, A FATHER'S UNFAILING LOVE,. This story happend in real life and its the story of my friend, Jillian, who happens to be my neighbor! Her story really made me cry and motivates me to write it in my Inspirational Stories and share with you...

marwa angela enrique

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