"No. I mean, yeah, I guess." Y/n sighs. "They always pull that sort of crap with everyone. It's complete bullshit."

Jennie hums. "I'm glad to hear you don't support that kind of mindset."

"Of course I don't." Y/n frowns at her. "If anyone tried to force Taehyung into something like that I'd teach them a fucking lesson."

"Good to hear." Jennie's smile turns genuine. She didn't peg Y/n as an asshole anyway but she was a little worried she might support that sort of thinking since she grew up here and doesn't really know anything else. "Namjoon seems like a nice guy, though."

She's definitely not sneakily trying to figure out Y/n's type.

It makes Y/n raise an eyebrow at her. "He's off limits."

Jennie laughs. "Don't get your knickers in a twist. I'm not hitting on him."

"I'm just saying." Y/n shrugs. "She already has someone, anyway."

"Really? Who?"

Y/n hesitates and looks like she regrets giving away that piece of information. "Uh, not from here."

Jennie nods, feeling like Y/n wants to change the subject. "What about you?"

"What about me?"

"Do you have someone?" Jennie asks, trying to sound casual even though she's not sure if she wants to hear the answer.

"You're asking me if I have a boyfriend?"

"No, I'm asking if you have a girlfriend." Jennie snorts, her heart skipping a beat at the sharp look Y/n sends her way.

Yeah, she needs to shut the hell up.

"I don't." Y/n answers, leaning back on her palms and looking down at her jeans.

"Why not?"

"What do you mean why not?"

"Why don't you have a boyfriend?"

"That's a stupid thing to ask."

"Is it?"

Y/n rolls her eyes. "What the fuck do you mean? I just haven't met anyone I'm interested in. It's not rocket science."

Jennie studies her face for a moment, thinking about Namjoon's words from yesterday. "Well, I imagine meeting new people up here is kinda hard, isn't it? Maybe you just need to go out more. I mean, go to the city or something."

There's a brief moment of silence where Y/n just stares at her own lap, the waterfall rushing in the background and birds singing in the trees above them.

"Maybe." Y/n mumbles and finally looks at her with her sharp eyes. Jennie tries not to flinch even though the eye contact makes her feel extremely giddy. "I'm guessing you don't have one either. You probably wouldn't shut up about him if you did."

Jennie shrugs her shoulders. "True."

They both stare for a moment before their lips tug up into smiles at the same time, Jennie's heart lurching in her chest right as Y/n swiftly turns to hide her face.

And that doesn't sit well with her. Jennie definitely doesn't need constant attention, unless it's from an object of her affection which Jennie can't help but start to think Y/n is turning into.

So she does the only thing that comes to her mind. She yells "Fuck!" and Y/n's head immediately snaps in her direction.

Jennie tries no to grin smugly. Got her.

"What?" Y/n asks, eyebrows knitting together in the middle.

Jennie screws her eyes shut in feigned pain, stumbling back in the water. "Y/n, something bit me!"

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