Mission No. 9: Mystery of the Space Base

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Cloud Nebula

Sector X Combat Zone

"Reports indicate that Andross is working on some secret weapon." Pepper said.

"I'll check it out." Fox said.

Good Luck

Sector X Star Fox 64

The team flew in formation, as they approached the nebula. Weiss flew in taking out a ship. "Let's take out that weapon guys!" Fox ordered. A bunch of Venomian ships grouped together. Falco flew by taking out a whole bunch of fighters. "Let's have a little fun!" Falco said. Peppy flew in with Weiss as they began to shoot them with Fox. "Stay alert!" Peppy advised.

"Keep them at bay!" Weiss shouted as she shot a smart bomb taking out a bunch of Venomian fighters. Some Venomain Fighters began to attack as they spun around. "He's quick be careful!" Peppy warned. Weiss shot them down, "enemies down!" Viper fighters began to approach from behind as they began to shoot the team. "Enemy group behind us, man, there fast." Falco and Fox shot the viper fighters as the team came across wreckage they traversed through other steel poles. The team fought their way through hordes of fighters as they pushed further into the Sector. "We're gettin' close to the base!" Peppy said. 

Space mines littered the area as the team shot them down as much as they could. Weiss and the team flew through more wreckage and to their surprise there was no base, everything was gone only rubble and parts flew. "Somebody beat us here! It's all gone!" Falco said. Weiss shook her head, "if someone caused all this chaos then be careful everyone you don't know what's out there!" Weiss said. The team flew through the space mines and more Venomian forces, the debris was everywhere. Weiss shot down a killer bee fighter as she dodged its attacks.  The team came up to large panels converging on one another, and then a large robotic arm launched outward from it, taking out a lot of panels and almost hitting the team, "what the heck is that!?" Falco said. Weiss looked at the arm with awe, "that looks like a arm from a large robot. Just what happened here?" 

Peppy bolted out from the debris with a bunch or rock gunners gaining on him, "they're on me! I'm gettin' careless!" Weiss sped into action taking out the rock gunners on Peppy. "Thanks Weiss." He said. Weiss smiled as they traversed the ruined base further. The robotic arm kept springing up every single time and they had to keep dodging every single time. The Star Fox crew kept on the assault. They shot down multiple fighters, as they kept going further and further into the base. They came up against a path where they had to split up. Fox went through the outside, "I'll attack from the outside." Peppy said as he followed Fox, "I'm going in!" Weiss said as she went inside taking out couple of troops inside. "Interceptor systems dead ahead." Slippy said. They took out multiple machines that popped out from the base, Fox and the rest caused as much damaged to the torn base that hardly no one would notice. "Where is this secret weapon?" Peppy said as they kept venturing onwards. Slippy flew forward, "I'm going further ahead, back me up Weiss." Slippy said as Weiss followed behind the frog. They arrived out of the clearing and a giant structure moved behind Fox. "What the heck!? Fox, look behind you!" Falco shouted. It was a robot of some sorts as he got his hands ready for combat.

"So this is the secret weapon?" Fox said.


Boss A Star Fox 64

"Destoy. Destroy." The robot went.

"Enemy shields analyzed." Slippy said.

I'll terminate all enemies.

The spyborg built itself as the arms taunted the team.

You are a enemy.

"What is he blathering about?" Weiss asked. As she shot the eyes of the head as Fox did the same.

You are a enemy.

Where is the creator!?

Fox raised his eyebrows in confusion, "what's he saying?" Weiss grabbed her head in pain, "he's giving me a migraine!" The spyborg kept swing his arms as he attacked the team. The crew was slick though dodging the slow but powerful attacks of the robot. Fox shot the head as it exploded. "Yipee! You did it!" Just as everyone thought it was over the spyborg got back online again.

"Huh!? What!?" Fox exclaimed.

"How did he..." Weiss trailed off.

The spyborg wagged his finger shaking his head.

The view is clear.

The spyborg began to attack more violently as he kept on the offensive.

Destroy. Destroy.

"Destroy what? He's crazy!" Falco said.

It was a struggle but soon the spyborg fell.

I must be complete!

The spyborg blew up. As the team flew through the spyborg's wreckage.

Mission Complete Star Fox

Mission No. 9

"All aircraft report."

"I'm fine. I'm fine!" Slippy said.

"I saw my life flash before my eyes." Peppy said.

"Nothing serious." Weiss said.

"Ah, you're getting better, Fox." Falco complimented.

The team flew off.

The team flew off

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