"Matt what the- what happened?" Foggy asked, stepping over a broken beer bottle as he walked into the bedroom. Looking to Matt, his friend was a mess as he laid shirtless on top of the covers; his side of the bed was a mess with more bottles, while Adalynn's side looked as if she had just made it and stepped out for only a second. Her whole half of the room was pristine- while Matt's side was riddled with dirty clothes.

"None of your business," Matt grumbled, a groan leaving his lips as he pushed himself up into a sitting position. Leaning over, he swiped a blue zip up hoodie off the floor; standing, he moved around Foggy as he made his way to the kitchen.

"The fuck you mean none of my business? Two of my best friends have gone AWOL and no one tells me anything anymore. So humor me, Matt; what happened here?" Foggy asked again, watching as he poured advil into his open palm, only to wash down the medication down with another beer.

"Adalynn left me."

Speechless, Foggy ran his hand through his long hair and stared at the grime ridden floor; Adalynn...dumped Matt?


Using the counter to hold his weight, Matt picked his head up and pushed out a sigh. He didn't want to tell Foggy why, hell he didn't even know why.

"Don't know."

"Don't lie to me Matt. Everyone within a hundred mile radius could see that by the way she looked at you, and by the way she talked about you that she loved you more than anything. You can't tell me that this was by pure coincidence!" Foggy was gradually becoming more and more irritated, he needed answers and he wasn't here to play with Matt.

Making his way around the counter, Matt stood inches from Foggy; his eyes bloodshot and sunken in. "Fisk took her, tortured her I don't know. I got to her and it was too late. She blew up in my face, said I lied to her and accused me of cheating. There, is that what you wanted?" he hissed, his voice low as he inched closer to Foggy.

"You aren't telling me everything. Don't lie to me."

"Why does everyone say I'm lying? I'm not fucking lying!" he screamed, spinning around and swiping the empty bottles off the kitchen table, sending them all crashing into the brick wall.

"You are! Wanna know how I know? Addi told me that you were the Man in the Mask, so of course you leave that little detail out of your story." Foggy yelled, clutching his messenger bag string as he watched Matt sulk towards the couch.

A dry laugh escaped Matt's lips before he sat down in one of the chairs, bandages poking through the top of his sweatshirt. "Get out of my house Foggy."

"You know Matt, I thought we would be those weirdly close friends in the old folks home, making fun of everyone and reminiscing the years. But I have to make sure My Sunshine is okay before I even think about talking to you again." Slamming the door behind him, Matt jumped slightly before he pushed out another heavy sigh.

He was pushing everyone away now, and part of him felt as if it was the best thing to do, but now without Addi to come home too, he wasn't sure what to do.

"Hey Siri, call Elektra."



The setting sun painted the sky full of oranges and yellows, spots of pinks and blue contrasting with the brighter colors. The trees on the other side of the lake casting shade onto the lake, the glass like surface reflecting everything that the sky showed.

Pushing the smoke out from between her lips, Adalynn's heart felt heavy; Matt should be here with her, she would be describing every aspect of what was in front of them, down to the way the light breeze didn't push the water but made the grass dance. She would tell him how there was a squirrel about five yards from them, running up a tree to hide form something, an acorn in its mouth.

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