You Are My Sunshine

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The pain radiated through her skull as her ears rang like a bell. Shards of glass rained down onto her. Her eyes feeling heavy as the ground became warm, too warm for her liking.

"Adalynn! Adalynn Wren!" Someone's voice called for her, their voice muffled and sounding as if they were yelling for her underwater. Her head continued to pound as she opened her eyes, the sunlight flooding her senses.

"Adalynn, look at me. Look at me. Are you okay?!" she was met with gorgeous blue eyes, scrunched up with worry and hurt. Blood was running down his own face as he continued to look her over for injuries. His hands grasping the sides of her face.


A smile fell onto his lips as he nodded; pushing his shorter hair back, he looked back up at her as his face fell flush.

"You haven't called me that in forever. But it's Foggy. Anyway, please tell me you're okay." He pleaded, his hand brushing over a large gash in the back of her head. Looking at the blood that now riddled his hands, his eyes went wide before he pulled her face to not look at his stained hands.

"You'll be okay Sunshine, I promise. Just keep your gorgeous eyes on me, alright?" he pleaded, his hand wrapping around her head as he tried to apply pressure to the wound.

"Ow, that hurts please don't do that," she whined, trying to pull his hand away from her. She didn't know what was happening; one second she's kissing this guy she's always fancied on the down low, and the next she's laying in the street feeling dizzy in the bad way.

"I'm getting tired, Foggy," she slurred, her eyes falling heavy as she tried her best to keep her eyes locked onto his ocean blues. SHe wanted to nap, her body screamed for rest.

"No no no no Sunshine, you can't sleep now. Not now. People are coming to help us, you have to stay awake."

"I can't. I'm tired." Much to her dismay, her eyes fell, the noises within her head subsiding. Peace slowly began to overcome her, and she welcomed it with open arms.

"Sunshine! Sunsh-"


The weight of what had just transpired in front of him hit hard. He could almost hear the way her heart had fallen, the way her breaths came in short bursts. He had broken her, he finally broke her.

"Matt? Are...are you okay?" Karen's soft voice filled his ears as he heard her run; her heart racing as she sobbed. He knew she was doubting herself, everything she had ever done for him in years past.

"Wh- oh uh-" he cut himself off as an explosion shook the block. Covering Karen with his body, screams erupted around the two of them; and he could hear Adalynn's screams above everyone else.

"What just happened?!" Karen yelled, her eyes wide with fear as she looked around to find out where the explosion had come from.

"Karen, get inside,"

"What? Matt you're freaking blind. You need to get inside too!" She protested, her grip on his hand tightening. Her heart was racing with adrenaline and fear. The screams around them grew with each second; sighing, he stood and let Karen walk him inside.

He hated that her grasp on him was tight; the screams and the sounds of buildings shattering at their foundations pained him. And knowing that Adalynn was among those affect, he couldn't stand by and just watch. But he also couldn't just leave Karen like...

"Can I uh...use the shower?"

"Yeah, you know where everything is at." he grumbled, collapsing onto the couch as sirens raced down the street.

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