One Night

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"I don't know Fog, am I overreacting?" Adalynn asked, curling up in the blanket fort Foggy had made hours prior. Fairy lights strung between the blankets gave the fort a comforting glow as the two held large mugs of hot chocolate with irish cream mixed in with it.

"God no! Why wouldn't he tell you sooner!? Why wouldn't he have told me either?" he questioned, gingerly sipping the hot liquid. The warmth warming his body while the liqueur warmed his soul.

"I don't know Fog, I just wished he had told me sooner," her voice trailed off as her gazed fixated on the slow blinking Christmas light in the far corner of their fort. She was heartbroken to say the least; this was a huge thing for her and to have him lie and cover up something for so long?

What else could he be hiding?

"Maybe I should call him Foggy. Apologize for lashing out and see how he's doing." Crawling out of the blanket fort, she was greeted with the cold air of the living room, goosebumps rising to the surface of her skin.

Fishing her phone out of her purse, she was quick to crawl back under the fortitude of the blankets and pillows. Tapping on the darkened screen, she was first greeted by a photo of her and Matt at her graduation from Law School. Wide smiles on both of their faces as she was scooped up into his arms, his cane hanging by it's strap around his wrist. This was the best day of her life; on top of graduating, this was the night that he had asked her to be his girl, and the night they-

The screen fell dark, the happy memory fading from view. A hole seemed to open up within her chest in that moment; she missed him.

"Addi, sunshine do you want me to call him?" Looking to her best friend, she smiled weakly and handed the phone to him. Quickly unlocking her phone, he maneuvered through the smart device and hit the dial button on Matt's contact.


With each ring, the knot within her stomach twisted more and more. She felt she had messed up, her reaction was over the top and now he was upset with her.

"Hello, my love," his deep voice came through the speaker, her heart fluttering at the sound of his voice.

"Darling, I want to apologize,"


"Just one night Mike, one night won't hurt," Her voice was sultry and low. The couch dipping more and more as she moved closer to him. His heart rate picked up as her hand made way to his knee.

"I- I don't know Claire," he stuttered out. His heart was racing, his hands becoming clammy. He'd never felt this way before and he was unsure if it was anxiety or something else.

"Come on Mike, she won't know what's going to happen, and we both know that you can keep a secret," her lips grazed over his cheek, sending a shiver down his spine. He was both unsure yet sure of what was happening.

"One night, Mike," her voice was a whispered, her breath tickling his skin. Turning to become face to face with her, Matt's hand slowly made its way to her face.

"My love, My love, My love," His phone went off, it's loud and monotone female voice startling them away from each other. Claire ran her hand through her black curls as Matt stood from the couch, pulling his phone from his pocket.

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