Lydia can reassure him so effortlessly. Her words alone can calm him down so much. He feels so comfortable with her. It surprises him sometimes, just how easily Lydia can comfort him.

He turns Lydia so that she is facing him while still sitting on his lap, his hands caressing her face.

Jackson is so immensely grateful to have her.

His princess.

"You've been acting different lately, but I don't think I mind it. I don't feel like I have to prove myself to you." Jackson tells Lydia, leaning his forehead gently against hers.

Lydia beams at him, happy that she was able to change something so important to him.

Jackson looks into Lydia's eyes intensely, trying to show her all the emotions she makes him feel.

"I love you, Lydia. I love you so much." Jackson whispers softly.

Lydia's breath hitched, she's never heard anyone say those words to her before.

Lydia always hoped that after all her attempts to be a good daughter, her father would love her again. She did everything for him. She cooked for him, she tended the garden for him. She did everything in the house.

She did so much for him and even after that he never said anything nice to her.

But now, Jackson says it to her with so much love. She doesn't understand. Jackson hasn't even asked her to do anything for him yet.

Jackson looks at Lydia with so much love in his eyes. It makes her emotional. This is what she always wanted. This is what she wished she had. And now, she actually has it. It's right here in front of her.

"Princess?" Jackson asks with concern as he sees her eyes start to fill with tears.

Lydia lets out a sob and hugs Jackson tightly. "I love you too."

Jackson moves his hands from her cheeks to her hair and runs his hands through her hair.

"Why are you crying, princess?"

"I'm just really happy." Lydia whispers against his neck.

"That's good." Jackson breathes out a relieved laugh. "I am too."

They sat in silence for a while. Lydia was stroking Jackson's back while Jackson was enjoying the attention he was getting from Lydia.

A noise caught their attention. It came from outside the school.

"What the hell was that?" Jackson asks confused.

"I don't kn-"

Lydia suddenly remembered that a mountain lion was going to appear on the parent-teacher conferences day.

That is today!

"Come on, let's go back to the school." Lydia said as she stood up and ran towards the school.

Jackson stood up after her, feeling a chill run through his body as Lydia let go of him.


Lydia's POV

I can't believe I forgot about this.

I enjoyed being with Jackson so much that I forgot what was going on around me.

As we got closer I heard people screaming.

People were running around in fear while some people ran to their cars to hide.

I saw Scott running over to Mama McCall as he looked around to find out what is going on. Chris Argent was getting his shotgun out of his car while Victoria kept Allison close to her.

Reborn As Lydia MartinWhere stories live. Discover now