Australia 2022

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The next week went by faster than anyone wanted to admit. Alexis was going out every night whether it was with Eevi, Lena or Charles and Arthur. She even went out her sister and brother in law a few nights. Eevi and Lena always seemed to find her whether they were invited or not. The boys were in tow on more than one occasion.

They tended to end up back at the penthouse most nights, there were a few though where Charles would end up at her sister's house. The media of course was eating it up. Alexis seemed to be there mostly with Eevi and Lena, yet they didn't know what was going on between her and Charles behind closed doors. Especially with rumors speculating Charles going out with his ex-girlfriend.

Alexis didn't know how to feel about the rumors, so instead of worrying about it, she went out to have the time of her life each night.

Wednesday morning the group was still out at the club. Wednesday afternoon they were all ready with their bags packed to fly to Melbourne. Alexis had been invited to fly with the drivers, Eevi didnt let her say no. She even said she would pay for it. Alexis hoped Kimi wouldn't notice an extra ticket on his card.

Lena, Eevi and Alexis were sitting around a table. Eevi was trying to convince them that pre-workout would get rid of their hangover and that they would feel great. Lena just threw her uno cards down, Eevi and Alexis had hit her with a +8.

Charles slid into the seat next to Alexis. He was continuing his conversation with Pierre across the aisle. His right hand rested on her upper thigh out of comfort. It would be back to the real world for all of them, but especially for her and Charles. She thought about the week she had just had, she wouldnt change anything for the world.

Charles stroked her cheek to get her attention.

"What hotel are you staying at for the race?"

"I think The Kinson. Why?"

"You should come stay at the Albert Park with me."

He whispered it into her ear. The way he said it made the hair on her body stand up.

"Thats not a question is it?"

He got up and shrugged his shoulders before yelling something at Pierre in french.

Eevi just dropped her phone.

"Everyone knows that he fucks you so pick up your jaw off the floor. It's your turn."

Lena giggle from across the way.

"Someone's smitten and someone is jealous."

Eevi turned toward Lena and spoke loudly.

"Nope, I'm going to find myself a hot, strong and handsome Australia man to fuck over the race weekend."

Pierre wasnt there, the next second he was.

"What? To celebrate finishing behind me?"

"At least I'll have a guy that can make me finis-"

Lena cupped her hand over Eevi's mouth before she could finish that sentence.

"You're impossible."

Pierre shook his head and returned to his seat near Arthur. He had a balled fist placed in front of his mouth, no doubt to hide a laugh or two.

When they landed in Melboure there were two cars waiting for them. Alexis opted to go with Lena and Eevi. She didnt want the media to send the wrong signals if she showed up to the Ferrari host hotel with a Ferrari driver. She was sure she could alway catch a ride with Pierre back to the hotel both Red Bull teams were staying at.

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