Red Wine

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Lexi didn't get back to the hotel until right before midnight. She showered and threw her wet hair into a bun on the top of her head. She had just switched into a hoodie and soft pajama pants when her phone buzzed.

'I'll be down in five, don't worried about getting ready. You deserve to celebrate for a race well won.'

It was an unsaved number but she put her money on either Pierre or Lando letting her number slip.

Sure enough, there was a knock five minutes later.

It was Charles. She gestured to her outfit,
"Im to comfy to get ready anyway."

His eyes gleam with something she couldn't quite put a word on it.
"I think you always look beautiful."

She shook her head as she shoved her hotel key into her pocket.
"I think the club was a set up, honestly."

Charles chuckled before he took her hand a lead her to the elevator.
Instead of going down, they went up. She raised an eyebrow and Charles returned it with a wink.

The elevator stopped on the top floor. He held her hand the whole ride and even guided her off the elevator. He led her to a door. They ascended a small flight of stairs.

The fresh night air hit her face as he walked with her out onto the roof. A small blanket with two wine glasses and charcuterie board. Candles were scattered around the blanket giving off a soft glow.

Alexis turned to Charles who just walked her over to the blanket.

She sat down and crossed her ankles in front of her.

"So a little birdy told me you liked American Cabernet, but I had a difficult time finding American wine here but I found this."

He offered her the bottle as she held the label up to a candle.

"I grew up 4 hours from this vineyard!" A smile spread across her face. "If I remember correctly it was one of my Aunt's favorites."

"So you grew up on the West Coast?"
Charles raised a slight eyebrow as he sat down, joining her on the blanket and poured two glasses of wine.

"Western side of the country, I wouldn't call myself a west coast girl."

"Ah so no surfing, spray tan or shopping for you?"

A smirk grew across his face.

She shook her head at his sarcasm.

"Thats what my mom was doing while I was showing horses with my stepdad."

"Really? I didnt take you for the horse girl type."

He handed her a glass of wine. Before sipping from his own.

"Its the only thing I kinda developed from my dad besides the love for F1."

She took a small sip of wine and savored the taste of home.

"Well were you any good at it?"

"Me? No, but my horse was. He was a cluster doing anything outside of working."

"Sounds like me."

She shook her head, "What do you mean by that? You're definitely not a cluster right now."
She gestured around her.

He rubbed his arm and look down at his wine glass.

"Racing has always just been there for me, even when my world has been turned upside down."

She knew he was talking about losing both Jules and his father in a very short time frame.
She looked up at him and softened her eyes.
"Thats why you're the best driver out there. After everything you've been through you still can get in a car and be you. No matter what."
He just shook his head, "I wish that was the case Alexis, this weekend I was not myself in the car."

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