She likes spending time with Y/n.

"Are you any good, then?" Y/n asks.

"Good at what?"


"Oh. I'd say I'm pretty fast."

Y/n raises an eyebrow at that. "I bet I could beat you."

Jennie scoffs. "That's cute."

"Okay. Race you to that tree over there."

Jennie rolls her eyes. " just don't. You're going to embarrass yourself-"

Y/n starts running before Jennie finishes her sentence and Jennie stands frozen for a second, before she springs into life and moves her legs.

It doesn't matter that Y/n had a headstart; even if it looks like she's going to win, Jennie catches up within seconds, grinning wildly at the angry look on Y/n's face when she sprints past her.

Jennie wraps her arms around the tree trunk once she gets there, smiling at Y/n who has already given up and walks up to her with an annoyed expression on her face. "Aww, it's okay. Even my legs are way shorter than yours, you still don't stand a chance."

"Fuck off." Y/n huffs, looking up at the tree.

Jennie follows her line of sight and spots the few apples hidden in between the leaves. She absentmindedly pats Kuma's head. "Woah, can we eat those?"

Y/n purses her lips. "We shouldn't."

"That means we can." Jennie grins.

"No, that means uncle Changho will chase our asses through the whole village with his hunting rifle if we touch his apples."

"Come on. Just two! There's a bunch up there. He won't even notice."

Y/n grunts before she shrugs her shoulders. "Okay, I'm gonna... help you up."

Y/n walks over and lets Jennie manhandle her into a crouching position, spluttering a bit when Jennie just goes ahead and sits down on her shoulders. "Fuck, what the hell did you eat today? You're heavy!"

Jennie laughs, steadying herself on Y/n's head while Y/n struggles to get up on her feet. "Stay still."

"You're going to break my neck," Y/n mutters, trying to ignore the fact that Jennie's woman hood is currently pressing against her neck. Blood starts rushing to her cheeks but she tries to calm down and reaches up to grip Jennie's legs to hold her in case she falls.

"You want an apple too" Jennie shrugs, reaching out to steady herself on the tree once Y/n is standing at full height. "Step a little closer."

Y/n holds Jennie's ankles securely while the younger chooses two unmarred, green apples. "What's taking you so long?"

Jennie grumbles under her breath. "Okay. Let me down." She slides down from Y/n's shoulders once Y/n is crouching again, rubbing one apple against her shirt before handing it to Y/n.

She wishes she could say the apple is the best apple she's ever tasted in her life, but really; it's just an apple.

It's a green, sour, juicy apple, and it tastes good, and that's it.

They sit down on some rocks a few minutes away from the apple tree so uncle Changho doesn't get to spot them and throw away the cores, watching who can throw further.

Surprisingly it's Y/n and Jennie does not sulk about it, okay?

"What was your dream when you were a kid?" She asks after a few minutes of them doing nothing but lying on the grass and watching the clouds move in the sky. Kuma is snoring softly next to her, ears twitching when a fly lands on his head.

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