Second Objective

Começar do início

We Ready Our Hardi Man System And Prepare The Guns or Everything We Can Use. Our Unit Only Consist Of Hardi System and Some Lunar Missile Launchers.

I Order A Missile Volley, and Fire The Vanguard to slow them. The barrage Is Successfully repel them. But Another Company size with some Grappler is now rushing and going to massacre us.

I order another missile volley, but instead of Bombardment, I order them to hit only the grapplers. And Proceed order a hail of fire to the front. But This Tactic Last For Only 30 Minutes. They Split in to 4 to cut the Firepower that we can unleash, and let the grapplers lead, as they can tank the shots, and shield themselves in missiles. Now Surrounded and Low Of Ammunition. The Enemy begin there close quarters engagement.

My Men Use Anything at there disposal, Butt of there guns, Blow Torch, and Even Just Carbon Knife. But we were overwhelmed.

I can hear the screams of my men getting tear apart, and cracking the head. I exhaust my ammo and proceed to kill a warrior by slashing, using my trusty knife to it's trunk like appendages.

For Just 5 Minutes, we done to 10 soldiers, out of 50. We regroup and make a circle. But we know that it's futile, but even just kill some of them it's more good than wait our death.

But I Am to exhausted, and so my men. We were in verge of collapsing, when I see multiple lights flying in the darkness of space. Quite fascinating. Maybe I getting some hallucination.

But the light goes to us, and explode.
White light Envelope us, some scream of my men, but I just thank, thanks for killing me in more peaceful way. But the light fade, and I realized that dust is now blocking our vision.

We are confused of what is going on? Until I see a figure, a very large figure. I thought it was a grappler, but not it's a MMU that some units use. No! It's different, it much bigger and holding a sword?

"We're Friendlies! Were here to rescue you. Get to the rovers and we will cover you." A Feminine Voice echo to our radio.

Am I getting hallucination? Is this real?

"Go! We have no time! We will escort you to the base! Now get to the Rovers!" As the cannon flash to the group of remaining tank class, I flinch. It's real!

"Okay Listen up!" I shouted. "Looks like we have rescue! Now Go To The Rovers and we will head back to the Main Base!" I shouted again but now with hope, hope that this is our rescue, and we will go home finally.

We Start The Rovers, Two Rovers, Five Each. We Pedal The Gas And make our way to base.

We are quite relief that we were safe, but it didn't last long. Looks like, multiple Company Size BETA is Heading in front of us.

"We're not going to make it!" One of men shouted in fear.

In Fear I didn't Realize that the unknown Unit begin to fire it's cannon. And then it fires multiple missiles, I notice that the missile didn't explode, but instead release more small object. A cluster bomb.

Explosions Light Up the Dark Space, and as the dust settles, all the hideous creatures gone. It vaporize the enemy in a single volley.

I Check The Unknown unit, inspect it's body, but I didn't realize that we pass the herd before, and now pile of flesh floating around.

"Captain! I didn't know that we have this Unit! If this Send to the battle before! Maybe we win the war!" Dimitri said in disbelief. Yeah I can see it. Such a Weapon can handle multiple BETA herd without any sweat.

Because of the slowness of this Rover, this Unknown Hero escort is for almost 30 minutes.

"We're almost there!" The Driver Said beaming of hope. Now

I can see now the base. But it's surrounded by multiple Large herds of BETA, trying to destroy the line, but looks like the mass drivers are been use. Multiple unnatural craters everywhere. They are desperate, to use such a Weapon.

"We Will be the front now. We will try to make a entrance for you! Don't worry we will be okay." The Female Voice said with reassure tone.

And We See it flies to the front acting as a shield. It fires multiple missiles, and fire it's cannon. The scenes is unbelievable, as if you are watching a movie. Because of sudden appearance of us, the BETA only focus in the defenders. The explosions almost blind us.

But after almost an internity, we made it. We get to the defense line.

"This is HQ. What is your unit?" A female voice with nervous tone.

"HQ! We are Unit 69. We Get rescued by unknown unit!" I said in disbelief, we made it. It's not a dream! We made it!

"What Rescue team?" She said with confusion.

"The Unknown Unit in our back!" As i said Dimitri touch me.

"Looks like they didn't make it..." He pointed to the large dust covering the area that they just past.

"No! No! We need to save them! I exited the Rover and try to run to the direction. But Dimitri stop me.

"It's Over Captain! There Dead! Don't waste there life for you to just waste it" Dimitri said with tears in his eyes.

"This Is Unit 45. We are here. Proceeding the evacuation. The enemies stop there attack for now."

I am now with the remaining unit in the hangar bay. Preparing to leave.
We been escorted in one of the shuttles, and we begin to ready our straps for take off, when Dimitri speak. "That Unknown Unit, I think I didn't Die" he whisper " Looks like it make a powerful explosion and with the mass drivers, it create an illusion."

"I-I see..." Thank God they are alive. Thank you for Helping us. You Save My life and the others! I will make sure I will repay you if we meet!

(3rd POV)

Captain Ajax, One of the Survivors Of The First Lunar War. He Make a books to how use tactics against BETA, named Great Strategies Of Hope. It's A Book Explaining How To Engage and enemy that is unpredictable. "You Need to Be Unpredictable, like my Hero."

Thanks For Reading!
It's My First Time To Make A Action Scenes. Sorry I am Using Phone Rather Than Computer. Sorry if there's something wrong

(Cancelled) Muv Luv Universe X GamersOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora