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In India
You woke up from ur sleep due to rain, ofcourse not rain coz ur mom splashed water to wake u up from sleep as it's getting late to school.
"Get up lazy ass, can't u wake up early in the morning nd do some prayers to god nd go to ur workplace blah blah blah blah blah"here comes the lectures of my mom anyway i'm used to it .
"Mom let me sleep for sometime i didn't sleep yesterday"you said
"Y will u sleep, if u keep on dreaming about ur useless dreams nd always dreaming about Chinese boys huh?

"Momm,i already told you i'm not their fan i just like their music that's it nd it has nthg to do with my dreams nd they r not Chinese they r korean . plz don't bring this topic over nd over again.
"Ah i know abt u,u don't need to say anything stupid.get ready fast nd come to breakfast" mom said

Few minutes later

You r in hurry to go to school coz u forgot the tym nd slept for more tym nd ur already 15min late to school

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You r in hurry to go to school coz u forgot the tym nd slept for more tym nd ur already 15min late to school.
"Mom i'm going , i will have my breakfast at school canteen bye"
"Yah y/n let me pack something to eat aish this kid she already left.who told her wake up this much late.let her come I'll teach her a lesson.

Note:y/n works as a teacher in xxxxschool

In school

When u enter the staff room one of ur staff member ask u to attend her class inplace of her as she has some work to do.
When u enter the class the students will be very cheerful nd happy coz u r their fav teacher though u beat the shit out of them when they do mistakes still the bonding between the children nd u is always sweet . After the completion of the class u go to the staff room nd take ur belongings nd left to ur home.

In Korea

"Jiminishiiii" u better don't caught by me,if i caught u i swear u won't be able to drink my bananamilk next tym.said jungkook

"Ahh taehyungahhh help me from this muscle monster he will eat me" jimin said.while jimin nd jungkook r running around the house nd made it a big mess.nd taehyung stood there dumbfounded of wat is happening around him.

"Yahhhh stob it. is this a House or fish market.u jungkook wat happened?y r u chasing him" jin asked

"Jin hyung i will tell u actually when i was in my room making music i got thirsty nd went to take water bottle from the fridge but there r no water bottles in fridge so i saw a bananamilk bottle as i was thirsty i drank all of it.when i was drinking this muscle bunny saw me nd started chasing me"jimin said
"Let it be.stob fighting now nd come with me namjoon called nd said that we have meeting with bangpd nd u taehyung wat happened y r u in still standing like that.y didn't u stop their fight."

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