Beneath the Pagan moon , one more prey dies today

Start from the beginning


Even before I felt an arrow pass through my body but still leave me unharmed, I knew I was dreaming thanks to Apollo's trainings. Then I realised the arrow was golden , and glowing. It belonged to Apollo. Who was he firing at?
I couldn't see clearly through the dense fog surrounding me, but it was clear Apollo's arrow had done no damage whatsoever to his opponent.
Apollo drew another arrow and aimed , but before he could fire it a huge spear handle knocked him down. "Apollo!" I cried out in alarm but I knew he couldn't hear me. He didn't look badly hurt as he immediately got up again and drew his sword this time - but I knew he was at a disadvantageous position, he never liked fighting in close quarters. Then I saw who he was fighting. An eight foot tall guy in classical Greek armour who wielded a spear with the agility of a seamstress spinning a needle. I wondered briefly if this was Prometheus, but that didn't feel right. This guy was a warrior, not a strategist. His spear whirled around and knocked the sword from Apollo's hand. Caught by surprise, the sun god tried to change form but the other immortal held him in place, and called out "Subdue him." His voice was rough, as though he hadn't used it for a long time. "Ares and Dionysus will be here soon, Atlas. Even you cannot stand alone against the might of Olympus." Hearing the name of the General of the Titans, I shuddered. Wasn't Atlas supposed to be under the Sky? Instead of responding , Atlas backhanded Apollo and sent him sprawling down the hillside they were fighting on. I heard Apollo groan in pain as  dracaena came out of the darkness and bound him in chains and I watched, unable to help. They dragged the god up the hillside and into a cave. Immediately I sensed this was a powerful and dangerous place, brimming with unrestrained power. I felt claustrophobic, even in the dream.
At the centre of the cave, there was an immense spire of some sort that comprised of air that felt solid, and huge chunks of rock and debris all churning together with sporadic flashes of lightning.  It rose above the cave to the Sky itself, and was supported by a man in wearing a tuxedo, who was sweating heavily. He was smaller than Atlas in comparison but way taller than the average human.
"You will take my brother's place", Atlas said from behind me. Apollo tried to struggle but Atlas raised his hand and some invisible force pushed Apollo under the column of rock and air. "Prometheus, y-you we're neutral. Don't do-" Apollo tried to speak but it was clear holding up the pillar was sapping his strength a lot. Brushing off the tuxedo, the other Titan smiled sadly. " The merciful Zeus made me pay for my neutrality in the last war, Apollo. This time, the Olympians stand no chance." He waved his hand towards his face and the sweat dried off, and his hair braided itself into a ponytail. He looked almost handsome, but his face ruined the image. It was scarred horribly, with gashes running up to his eyes. I remembered something about an eagle sent by Lord Zeus as punishment. The dracaena stood guard beside the chained sun god as the two titans left the cave. I felt myself wake just as Apollo looked directly at me - "Be careful, Perce"he whispered, his eyes flashing golden. The dream faded before I could respond.

I knew as soon as I woke up that something had changed in my surroundings. The camp was still dark and silent, and vague noises came from deep within the forest. Then I realised that I wasn't alone. The clearing I had fallen asleep in was bathed in moonlight and standing at the edge was Artemis. "Mother," I said, getting up and bowing stiffly to her. "Hello, Perseus. I apologise, I tried to visit you earlier but father would not allow me to ignore my duties." I supposed that made sense, but thinking of her duties reminded me of her brother, chained in a cave somewhere. She must've sensed my thoughts because she grimaced too. "I do not have my brother's foresight but I did feel his imprisonment. I assume you wish to free him?" "Of course!" I replied instantly, "but I don't even know where he is and I can't fight two Titans alone." "Follow your prophecy and go West, and you shall find him. You will not be alone, my son. We are forbidden from interfering in mortal affairs but the capture of a god will warrant Olympian retaliation." She took of a bracelet from her arm "For protection, and to call to me for help," Artemis said , tying it on my left hand. "Good luck, Perseus." I heard her voice as she faded away and dawn approached. Yet, something was different this morning. The sky lightened, but there was no sun.
Apollo is imprisoned , I thought in horror. There was no one to drive the sun chariot. The mortals would probably say it was a sudden solar eclipse but I knew better. Unless I freed the sun god, the mortal world would collapse within days due to the absence of the Sun. After taking my already packed back from my Cabin, I prepared to leave on my Quest. Knowing explanations would take too long, I left a note for Chiron outside the Big House and left the Camp's borders. I looked around for Argus and the Camp's van but suddenly a silver sports car appeared in front of me with a key in the door. "Thanks, mother." I told Artemis softly. Well, time to venture westwards, I guess, I thought to myself as I started the car.

Author's notes : The phenomenal number of reads on this work is unprecedented. I almost got scared myself when I saw them. But, I kept you guys waiting long enough for another chapter so here it is.
I hope you enjoy. I'm not American, so locations might be slightly inaccurate but this is a work of fiction and I have no desire to change the geography of USA.
Also, for both my reference and yours, here's the entire prophecy :
Westward shall you venture forth, at sunset must you prove your worth.
Owl's deception and snow's bite shall pave the path to your final kismet.
falter in your fated pursuance, and doom the world for eons hence.
Gilded prize of the Earth is yours to claim, but uncharted is your final aim.
Only one half-blood returns withal, to Fate's prize the sky shall fall.
(Oracle of Delphi to Luke Castellan , in Twisting threads of an ever changing tapestry )
Chapter title from "Invisible - Otep"
Word count : 2345

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 28, 2023 ⏰

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