#4 Triggered The Devil

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It would be a lie if y/n don't admit that his smoky personality didn't affect her, however his actions also annoyed the girl. Brave of him to take puffs of cigarettes in front of a hospital,and this man is not caring about small kids standing there. The boy must be enjoying stares he is getting from the Young girls drooling over him like bees.

Huh! Arrogant jerk.

Look at his posture like he is the king here or should she say rich, spoiled, egocentric human. How can he be so careless and selfish? Let me see him!

With big steps she marched towards his direction,until when she was standing in front of him. The girl's scary gaze amazed Jungkook. He lifted his eyebrows in a cocky manner. The sudden presence of this strange girl didn't affect the boy.
Y/n rolled her eyes noticing his stiff figure. This action of ger's triggered something inside the devil and he found himself letting out a husky chuckle,only audible for him,due to the noisy crowd around them.

"Hey you mister! What are you doing?"
Y/n stood in front of him with crossed arms, eyebrows knitted and questioned.

Jungkook who was amazed with the unknown girl's bravery, let out a throaty chuckle before throwing away the so expensive cigarette and turn to look at her face. More like staring into her soul.
His continuous yet piercing gaze was making her perplexed. Y/n can't be able to define any type of emotion in them,they were blank and mysterious.

Ash brown eyes full of darkness and cleverness.
As he was not even blinking, y/n scoffed and said.

"There is not any staring contest going on here mister,so stop this skillful act of yours and answer my question." Y/n said snapping her finger. She feels annoyed when the boy still doesn't utter a single word. The only good thing happened is he diverted his eyes in another direction, and again leaned on the wall with a big sigh. Her eyes widen when Jungkook pulls out another stick of cigarette from his pocket with a lighter. But before he could light it up, y/n snatched it from him.

Y/n did it for good but the devil didn't appreciate this act. Intentionally or unintentionally she tried to stop the devil and at any cost he will never like it. The moment she did this,his jaw clenched and eyes surrounded with an unknown dark aura. And with this the devil's evil eyes fall on her.

"Are you mad or what? Can't you see where you are standing? Outside of hospital! There are so many people and kids around you so look around before doing it." Y/n was outraged by his stupid acts. If she knew her every word is pushing the boy to his devil more gradually. Roaming eyes around,he closes them. There are so many people here and no matter what he can't lose control.

And fucking hell how could he forgot his mask. Oh how badly his hands were itching to do something,and this girl is not helping at all. Why does she have to trigger his evil side like this?

Mentally blabbering, the boy tried to calm himself down. He can't fucking loose his control dammit.

"Again you are standing like a statue. Bruh speak something or are you...."
Y/n couldn't seem to understand the boy. He was standing there like the words she told to him didn't affect him for a single second. Or he is ignoring his presence. As it was enough for her,y/n in frustration yelled at him,but before she could complete it,the boy pulled her towards him and she found herself pinning against the wall with the stranger towering above her like a mountain.

During this, her eyes catch a speedy car crossing them, almost touching. It means if he didn't pull her on time she would have been crashed by it. Her wide black orbs collide with his dark brown orbs. Y/n gulp feeling his breath fanning so close to her face. A cocky smirk spread on his lips, spreading goosebumps across her whole body.

He whispered and that's how y/n found that at this rate she was not breathing at all,until he reminded her. After a minute y/n finally got relaxed. While Jungkook was still gazing at her with his famous smirk. Again he let out a throaty chuckle noticing her avoiding eye contact with him.

At this point y/n couldn't gather the courage to look at him. Her whole mind was focused on the next words she wanted to say. But seems like her mind got blank now witnessing herself so close to getting hit. Should she say thanks or what?

"Embarrassed or thankful?"
His voice brought her back and made her realise that ystill she was still trapped in between his veiny, tattooed arms. Wait a second,did he just read her mind?

"What happened? Lost your voice sweetheart?" Y/n is sure that this boy is literally mocking her. Mentally her eyes rolled back to her head. She placed her hand on his chest and started to push him away.

"Move back! I want to go."
Another thing in the devil's list which is he doesn't like is to be touched by someone especially girls. Seriously she is getting on his nerves. Jungkook grabs her hands and moves closer to her face. Y/n panicked and started to wriggle in his grip but damn it was too strong.

"Wh-what are you doing? Go back otherwise."
"Otherwise what? Again give me your so- called knowledge from this pea size brain of yours?"

Jungkook said with gritted teeth and flicked her forehead. "Oww! How dare you? I am offended now."

Y/n said with a small pout while Jungkook poked his cheek with tongue as right now, nothing more but just wanted to bang her head against the wall.

"Should I feel grateful for it?"
Y/n fall in confusion and shake her head.
"No that's not wh-"

Jungkook shouted causing the girl to flinch due to his sudden action.

"Stop being a chatterbox and listen here."
Don't know why but y/n felt like his voice dropper an octave when they made eye contact.

"Tell me what you learnt from the accident?" If he might not have held her hands,y/n was sure she must be on the floor till now as his presence is making it hard for her to stand up for long. Her knees were getting weak. It's like he is sucking all energy.

Her words were barely audible. His question confused her. What is he even trying to say?

Jungkook pressed his body against her, taking out breath from her lungs. He came near her ear and whispered in his husky, rough voice sending chills down to her body.

"Don't step into my life,until you are eager to see hell."

Scary Jungkook ☠️Are you excited? Let's see how sweet y/n will handle this demon ✨

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Scary Jungkook ☠️
Are you excited?
Let's see how sweet y/n will handle this demon ✨

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A special thanks to @daddy-taekim  for always supporting me ❤️

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