A Change In The World.

Start from the beginning

"Hold on, Uta..."

The diva bends down and digs her heels into the ground. Abell makes the first move and raises her hand.


Uta kicks the ground gaining a massive speed boost which surprises the duo.

"Uta Kick!"

Uta kicks Abell's mid region causing her to cough in pain. The singer then follows up by two more kicks and an uppercut to the girl's face causing her to stagger. Pitch quickly transforms and backs away.

"Diva Dart!"


Uta thrusts her mic spear at Pitch, but she uses her claws to counter that attack.

"Diva Drill!"

Uta spins her spear which was enough to overpower Pitch's claws and knocks her back into one of the buildings behind her. Uta lets out a disappointed huff after knocking back her two friends. At the very least, she has blown off her anger. Pitch and Abell stood up from the ground and glared at their boss angrily. Uta spins her spear around, stabs it into the ground. Abell pulls out a chain with a weight at the end and Pitch, now in her human form, cracks her neck. Uta raises her hands and makes a gripping motion.

"I win." Uta taunts.

The two girls stare angrily at their friend.

"Shot Glass!" Abell yells as she hurls the weight end of her chain towards the diva.

Uta ducks underneath the chain, dodging it. Uta pulls her spear out from the ground and she dashes towards Abell.


All of the sudden, the chain jerks back and it changes trajectory. Uta didn't lower her pace and she swerved her body dodging the chain without turning her head around. However, the chain did graze Uta's cheek, drawing a bit of blood.

"You have gotten stronger." Uta compliments.

Uta gets close to Abell and clenches her fist. All of the sudden, Uta sensed something and she quickly raised her arm.


Pitch comes forward and prepares to strike Uta with an armament covered open palm strike.

"Uta kick!"

Rather than blocking Pitch's attack, Uta decides to counter with an attack of her own. The clash between the two echoed throughout the kingdom.

"Haki, huh?" Uta asks as she tries to overpower Pitch. "Why don't you teach me?"

"I can't fathom the idea of why you need to know it." Pitch answers coldly. "You're already plenty strong."

As Pitch said this, she slowly pushes her hand forward which causes Uta to lose her footing. Pitch swishes her hand across the air and the diva tumbles across the ground, but gets back up after a somersault.

"As expected from a dinosaur power holder." Uta said smiling.

The sound of metal catches Uta's attention and she looks up to see Abell swinging her chain. She then throws it down at Uta. The diva grabs her spear and collides the tip with the chain which causes sparks to fly.

"Recoil!" Abell shouts.

The chain end bounces back from the spear tip, like a rubber ball, and then comes back at Uta. In response, Uta deflects the attack with the end of her spear.


Uta's legs shake suddenly and she falls to her knees. Abell has successfully taken her strength. Uta watches as the teen's muscles bulge and body grows. Pitch stands beside her fellow Section Leader and transforms into her Velociraptor hybrid form. Despite being heavily weakened, Uta manages to stand up and face her buffed opponents.

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