"This way," she said as she guided us towards the nearly crowded restaurant. Good thing I had this date planned ahead of time and got us a table before they filled up two months ago. "Here you are,"

"Thank you," we replied and she nodded.

"Can I get you started with drinks?" She asked as I pulled Bella's chair for her to sit before I sat across from her.

"Do you have any non-alcoholic drinks?" Bella asked and the lady raised a brow at her question making bella give her a sheepish smile, "I don't drink so I don't want to have any a-"

"You don't need to explain, love," I said cutting her off and Bella bit her lip nodding.

"Well what will you be having?" The hostess asked irritated and I clenched my jaw.

"An actual server thank you," I gave her a fake smile and she rolled her eyes before walking away.

"I'm sorry," Bella apologized but I shook my head.

"You don't need to apologize for her behavior, angel," I stated, "she was being a bitch when all you did was ask for a non-alcoholic drink which is normal."

"Hello," a new voice greeted a few moments later and we looked up to see a petite girl with long ginger hair pulled back into a high ponytail that doesn't look very comfortable. "My name is Liz and I'll be your server for the night."

"Hi," Bella smiled and Liz beamed, "um, do you serve any non-alcoholic drinks here?"

"Yes," the girl replied with a bright smile and Bella smiled relieved, "we have Virgin piña colada, clementine mock mojito, we also have soft drinks such as Pepsi, Sprite, ginger ale and ice teas."

"I'll have a virgin pina colada, please." Bella said and the girl, Liz, smiled and nodded jotting it down on her notepad before she turned to me.

"I'll have a clementine mock mojito," I replied and she nodded before she excused herself after asking if we were ready to order to which we shook our heads as a reply.

"Did I ever tell you how beautiful you look tonight?" I asked looking at her from across the table and Bella smiled as her cheeks turned a light shade of pink with a blush making me smile as I held my hand for her and she smiled placing hers on top. Her hand was so small and soft compared to my large and calloused one. A perfect mix.


We ate and made small talk and the entire time I felt my pocket burning a hole on my leg where the small black velvet box rested. Bella looked absolutely beautiful with her long brunette hair curled with soft make up. She had on a black and white strapless dress that reached the floor with a slit down the side showing of her perfectly tanned leg. When I first saw her coming down the steps to meet me and my mom back home I was left speechless.

I was lucky. That's all I could think of at that moment when she reached the last step with a warm smile as she greeted my mother with a hug. I never in a million years ever think that I would find the love of my damn life weeks after I got home from being deployed over seas, but goddamn and I glad that I did. And to think I almost lost my chance for being an idiot and a coward. I should've called or at least texted her to let her know about my injury instead of her having to find out when I got discharged from the hospital three months ago. But I suppose things happen the way they do for a reason because in the end, here we were having a pleasant dinner while our sons were back home and most likely down for the night while my mother was in the living room watching one of her drama shows.

Life was great.

"Enzo?" I blinked hearing Bella calling my name and noticed she had a worried look on her pretty face, "are you okay? Is your leg bothering you?"

"Yes and no," I answered and she frowned but I only smiled before standing up and with my good knee, down in front of her making her gasp as her eyes widened. "I'm fine and my leg's not bothering me." She nodded at my explanation, "there's a reason as to why I asked you out tonight."

"Clearly," she sniffled and I smiled as I wiped her teases away.

"I love you," I began, "My world turned from black and white into a spectrum of colors. Days were dragging. I'm comfortable lying on my bed but I feel homeless, hollow. Not until I met you. You've filled a void in my heart I never knew it was that big. Meeting you made me feel alive and loving you completed me. I want to be the best husband you deserve and raise our sons with you. Make me the luckiest man. Will you marry me?" I held the velvet holding the ring open and she had her hands over her mouth with tears steaming down her cheeks.

"Yes," she finally answered, "a thousand times yes." I grinned as I put the ring onto her finger before she wrapped her arms around my neck before we kissed. The other restaurant goers cheered in the background.

"I love you," she murmured against my lips and I pecked her lips one last time before pulling back to press out foreheads together

"I love you, too."

This year may have not gone how I had planned but I'm damn glad that it didn't or else this wouldn't have been happening right now. Bella and our boys were everything that I needed in this life to be happy and I couldn't wait to sped the rest of my life with her and raising our kids and seeing the type of people they'll be. The future was looking bright that's for sure.

Loving A Marine Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang