Chapter 21

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Izuku sat on the seat, looking down. His mind was filled with thoughts of Katsuki, even though the person sitting in front of him was Shoto, who was staring at him with both content and worry.


Izuku's head snapped up.

"Ah- Sorry, yes Sho?"

"Is it Katsuki again?"

Izuku fell silent. Shoto smiled and reached out to take Izuku's hand, which was set on the table.

"Let's talk about it somewhere else."




"You really care about Katsuki, do you?" Shoto asked first things first when they got outside. Izuku kept silent, and Shoto chuckled.

"I figured that when you first asked me about me knowing him," Shoto said, stopping so Izuku would look at him. "There's something you should know."

"Yes?" Izuku asked, scared of what the news were.

"He's transferring to another city next semester."


Izuku stared, shocked again. First Katsuki was going to get his brain damaged, then he is going to leave?

He didn't even say goodbye.

As if Shoto read his mind, he nodded and took out a device from his pockets.

"He left you a recording."

Shoto handed the device to Izuku, making Izuku's eyes widen as he fancied the device.

"What did he say in there?" Izuku asked again, this time with more energy. Shoto shrugged and shook his head.

"I didn't listen. I wouldn't want to invade you two's privacy."

Izuku nodded, and they continued walking.

"You love Katsuki, do you?"

Izuku skid to a stop, staring up at Shoto in surprise and horror. "What? Of course not, silly."

"Yes, you do." Shoto smiled sadly. "More than your feelings for me."

"I don't..." Izuku trailed off, remembering his and Ochako's conversation. But he couldn't do this to Shoto. He knew how much Shoto valued him.

Shoto turned and took both of Izuku's hands in his.

"You don't have to force yourself to not believe it. I'm fine with it. As long as you're happy."

Izuku felt tears well up in his eyes as he looked down and tried to hide it. He felt a warm finger reach down and wipe a few away. Shoto was so nice, caring, and everything anyone would want for a boyfriend.

But he couldn't deny his feelings.

"W-We're still friends, r-right?" Izuku stammered when he finally looked up. Shoto grinned and put out his hand.

"Of course. Friends forever?"

Izuku smiled and put out his own hand.



(help this is so cringe and shoto is 100% out of character)




Izuku sat on his seat, mad and crying. He and Tenko had gotten into a fight and Tenko had framed him for starting the fight and hitting him. Now he was grounded, and Tenko forced him to write 'I will not disrespect my brother' over and over on his paper.

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