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Izuku quickly put on his glasses and rushed downstairs, grabbing his backpack along the way. He couldn't afford being late to school again today, and just maybe arriving a couple hours early would impress his teachers.

"Bye mom!" he called to Inko, who had just gotten up and started to make breakfast. Inko quickly stuffed a loaf of bread in his mouth before waving back.

"Bye sweetie! Shiggy will pick you up today!" Inko called back. Izuku nodded before running out the house to retrieve his bike. Rolling his eyes at his brother's nickname now that his mom wasn't looking anymore, he unlocked his bicycle and started to roll it out the pile of other vehicles.

"Shhhhh! You're squishing me!"

"So beautiful..."

"I know~ Look how hopeless we are."

Izuku smiled and turned to find the source of the voices, but the smile faded away once he saw his close neighbor, Ochako rolling her bicycle out as well. She shot a quick smile at him before getting on the seat and riding away. The boys who were whispering's eyes followed her silhouette as they sighed in awe. Ew...

Disappointed, Izuku got on his bicycle and got ready to ride away as well. No matter how much he tried, he knew he could never hate Ochako. Despite how far they were apart from each other, Ochako's smile replayed in his mind as he shook his head to get those thoughts off his mind. Izuku yanked himself back into reality – to find himself face to face with a pole.


Izuku yelped – or rather, he screamed in pain. Bypassers were looking at him weirdly, and a few kind ones came to help him up. After an intense round of bowing, Izuku turned to ride off, feeling embarassed. His goal to get to school early was crushed as he parked his bike and sprinted up to his classroom just to hear the bell ring. He groaned and quickly snuck up to his seat, between his two best friends – Mina and Denki.

"Izuku Midoriya!" The teacher – Mr Ryonku – demanded loudly. Izuku shivered at the shout and shakily stood up. "Explain why you're late today, hm?"

"I-I'm terribly sorry, sir-" Izuku started, but Mr Ryonku had slammed his ruler on the podium, making the entire class jump. The force made Izuku feel on the verge of sobbing otut loud.

"Excuses, excuses," Mr Ryonku tsked. He then glared at Izuku and pointed to his side."Come here right now."

"Uh, sir, he was only late for a few seconds, I don't th-" Mina started angrily. Mr Ryonku slapped his podium loudly again, making her shut up. Izuku went up to Mr Ryonku's side, frightened, and he could see both Denki and Mina bite their lips.

"Hold out your hand." Mr Ryonku stated firmly. Izuku's eyes widened, and he could almost feel the pity in the entire class's eyes glued to his body. Nervously, he held out his hand, and without hesitation, Mr Ryonku took out his ruler and slammed the side on to Izuku's palm.

Izuku cried out in pain, and a stray tear rolled down his cheeks. Mr Ryonku didn't seem to show any pity nor satisfication, but simply stared down at Izuku. Izuku quickly pulled his hand back, which was already forming a mark.

"I hope that teaches all of you not to be late to my class," Mr Ryonku said slowly and coldly. Izuku looked away, but he could feel his teacher glaring daggers into the back of his neck. All the students looked up in fear, and said "yes, sir" back.

"Good. Now go back to your seat, Mr. Midoriya," Mr Ryonku sneered. Izuku nodded and shakily walked back carefully.

He looked at both Mina and Denki. They were both looking furious, and smiled sadly at him. Denki mouthed this bitch at Izuku and scowled at Mr Ryonku, while Mina smirked and stuck out her middle finger under her desk, raising her eyebrows, making both Kaminari and Izuku smile a little.

"Now get out your textbooks and turn to the next unit," Mr Ryonku instructed, tapping the whiteboard with a chalk. Izuku quickly took out his textbook from his backpack and his notebook from his desk drawer, putting them on the table carefully. Something fell out of his desk drawer.

Izuku looked down on his lap to see a little envelope. Curious and flooded with excitement, he quickly folded it and put it in his pocket, raising his hand.

"What's wrong, Midoriya?" Mr Ryonku sighed angrily. Izuku pointed at the door, and then his pants, before opening his mouth to speak. His teacher frowned and shook his hand at Izuku, looking extremely tired. "You're lucky I didn't bring the bottle with me today. Go – and I should see you back here in less than five minutes, alright?"

"...Yes, sir," Izuku bowed. He turned and rushed to the door, closing it carefully just in case his teacher changed his mind. Sighing in relief, he opened the envelope and took out what was in it. Was it a love letter? Feeling giddy at that thought, he unfolded the first paper.

Good morning~

I've put three other papers in this envelope, and all you have to do is to pass them out to three different people. They'll be cursed soon enough~ Whatever your heart tells you!

But if you don't do as this paper tells you in a day or if you someone about this, it's completely fine, too~

You'll just have to wait for your punishment.


What was that?

It's not a love letter. Izuku sighed in disappointment. What a stupid joke. What a stupid... joke?

The more he looked at the piece of paper the more terrified he got of it. He didn't believe in curses like this. So sudden. So... random?

Ah, but what if it's true? If it's a joke, then it wouldn't hurt to try it anyway, right?


Why is it suddenly so quiet? Not even the sound of the wind can be heard. He felt his legs go weak a little.

Five minutes were passing. He knew the consequences.

The timer for one day is ticking. What are the consequences?

Thoughts crumpled up in his mind as he stood up and returned to the classroom, this time slowly. Probably a prank from a bully – Izuku was used to this, anyway.

At least Izuku hoped so.

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