Chapter 7

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Episode 8

He won't leave. First, I was fine with it, everything was fine. But it's been a week and Derek has not left. I love him. I really do. He is one of my best friends, but I can't have him here anymore. I need to be able to be in my own house without the thought of seeing my sister and my best friend being pushed up against a wall.

I guess I could just go to Dylan's house, but I don't know if we are at that stage yet. I haven't even told him that I'm going to be a doctor again. I don't think I had even told him I was a doctor in the first place. We've both been super busy, so we have only been able to talk on the phone, and even with that I'm just scared for some reason. I think it's because once I tell him it will be real. Then everyone who I care about will know and there is no turning back.

I smell something sweet coming from the kitchen, I assume it's the blonde demon because no one else really can handle their own in the kitchen, her only good attribute. As I'm about to walk out of my room, I hear the happy couple. It seems that the fearless neurosurgeon has not shown my wonderful sister his home, if you can call it that. He lives in a trailer in the middle of the woods. I'm surprised he hasn't been attacked by a bear yet.

"Midy I wouldn't go begging to go see this buffoon's house." I say as I walk into the hall. She looks baffled.

"So, my sister, who does not give you sex, knows where you live, but I can't."

"Umm best friend here, and never infers that me and hairy over there are sleeping together please, I would rather not vomit so early in the morning." I say to my sister, slightly gagging as I speak.

"Oh, shut up Greta, and Meredith, she came over one night because she needed to scream, and I live in a secluded area."

"So, you do have a house." Midy asks in an exasperated tone.

"Yes, Meredith, I have a house."

"Ok so why don't we go there tonight." The three of us start to walk downstairs and the smell of chocolate is getting stronger.

I zone out for a minute, a matchbox twenty songs stuck in my head while I think of Dylan. How would he fit into my mess of a life? I mean I'm about to be a surgical resident again, and we can barely see each other anyway. I could break up with him, though that would just create unwanted pain that will result in more harm than good. I think we will just have to be a healthy couple and have a conversation about everything.

I finally come back into the real world when George asks Derek if he was a health nut and Derek just now realizes he has been here for a week.

"He is literally the biggest health nut you will meet. I don't think I ever saw him eat anything other than muesli for breakfast in college. And Derek, if you are going to stay here for a week you better start helping with grocery shopping."

"Shut up Greta, I'm going to go to my house soon enough."

"Yeah, yeah sure you will. Anyway, I have to leave, I'm meeting Dylan for coffee and a potential buyer is looking at Flora's today."


"Okay, so I have something to tell you, it's nothing bad just you know, since we are dating, and this is a major thing in my life just like you are a pretty major thing in my life, so you know I just wanted you to know plus it involves the thing that brought us...."

"Greta, Greta, Love, I know you ramble when you get nervous, so I need you to say it."

"I'm selling flora's and I am going back to residency, because Richard, the chief at Seattle Grace, never officially accepted my resignation so I'm going to selling the place we met, and I know that we haven't been dating for too long but that place means a lot to me and it's where I met you so I thought you were going to be angry because I feel like I'm throwing it away but I know that I am not I'm pursuing my passion but this time I'm doing it for the right reason. It's not connected to my mother at all, oh also did I ever tell you that my mother, who is a world renowned surgeon, actually has Alzheimer's and you know emotional abused my sister and I but you know that is not important, now or ever really just thought I should tell you in case, well, incase, I forgot about it, and I know I'm just throwing this on you quite abruptly and i say it a little too non nonchalantly, but that is just how I am and I now realize that I'm totally off track, but back to my original point. I'm selling Floras and I'm going back to Seattle Grace." Dylan just stared at me, taking in everything that I just said at lightning speed.

I can't believe I just said all of that. If I was him, I would run for the hills, leave the psycho trauma filled girl all alone to live with her sisters and her roommates for the rest of time.

"Ok, Greta, I won't lie that was, a lot to say the least, but I am happy as long as you are happy." He grabs my hand as he says all of this making sure that I know he really means it. "I would follow so far, and yes Flora's is important to us, but we can make new memories in so many new places. I have talked to your sister and her roommates while I stopped by and I have heard some things about, on call rooms" he says with a mischievous smile.

"Oh, have you now" I say, matching his tone. We start leaning in but as we are about to kiss, he gets a text message. He drops his head, and our foreheads meet. He checks his phone, and sighs.

"I'm so sorry, work. I have to go." He gives me a peck on the forehead and says, "Love you." I froze, I don't think he realized because his brain was moving so fast since he had to go to work, but I watched him leave. When he walked out of the coffee shop, he stopped. I saw him turn and look at me with a mix of confusion, shock, and terror. He was about to walk back in but I smiled and shook my head gesturing for him to go, we can talk about what he said later.

I won't lie, I have NO idea how to deal with this and most likely will be drinking tonight with Miranda and talking out who I think I might love Dylan back, but it hasn't been long enough for me to say it. It feels right though. The type of right that you read and books and your like, yeah there is no way they say it that soon that is not how love works. Great, now I'm in the book.


"You know Miranda, it's like I think I love him, but I can't even fully understand my own feelings because of my emotionally unavailable family. So now there is this macho, beautiful, sweet, police officer saying that he loves me after only 31/2 months. I feel like it's moving way too fast, but a good type of fast. The type you are comfortable with and doesn't scare you as much. I know I'm rambling, but Miranda's married so you must know something about stuff like this so just, you know tell me. Please."

Miranda just kind of stares at me in awe. Not knowing what to say. Well, she probably knows what to say but I have a feeling she does not want to say it.

"First off, why do people think that I just love talking about relationships? Do I give off the 'vibes' that I care enough to respond to your problems. Second off, if you love him, you love him, even if he is just a macho man, and I've witnessed it, you love him, and he loves you."

Ok so if Miranda can see most people can see it. Which also means, I love him.

AN: Sorry for the chapter it's really not the best, I just wanted to give you something. I also just wanted to add the Miranda part so we can see Miranda because I love the old Bailey.

Hello all, I'm so sorry for the very long wait. I just finished my first semester of university and I needed to focus on that. I will try to speed up my updates but, knowing me they will come slowly.

Anyways Thank you all for reading and I hope you guys enjoy!

Broken Strings: Mark SloanWhere stories live. Discover now