Chapter 2: Henry VIII

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"Darling!" Henry burst open the door, I am still lying there with my son. He puts his arm under the one I am cradling my son in before looking at him, he is in a white cloth Henry covers our son in kisses. 

"My beloved lord." I say smiling. I know he loves it when I crush him with affection. Now, we are devoted to each other. Henry strokes my hair. After six years of being shamed upon, humiliation, death stares, death threats and playing the game of trying to become the Queen finally over.

"I have a son! A legitimate son!" He spat out kissing my forehead holding under my chin. After around twenty years of struggling, he finally has his heir.

"Yes, you have a son My Lord he has your golden hair." I smoothed my son's auburn hair. 

"And the eyes I fell in love with."  He winks and I giggle and we share a kiss before my son starts crying.

"I haven't forgotten about you!" I kiss my sons forehead and his small hands press against my cheek. My son's hands are so small…

"We must have a royal golden name for our son." He whispers in my ear then kisses my ear and I laugh

"I told you not to kiss my ear!" We haven't been this much in love since we got married or when though Elizabeth was a boy.

"What shall we name him though?"  I want to name his George after my brother. The person who supported me fully through every and didn't verbally attack me for my mistakes unlike my father, of course I still love my father. But I know Henry is no slave to sentiment. This child needed to have a name that could be known globally. The one and only.

"Henry!" My lover declared. I blink. Henry? I try to look at him but his gaze is fixed on our son. "He must be called Henry it's only fair! After my father. Just like how we named Elizabeth after my mother." I sigh, I can't argue with him he will throw a tantrum when he reportly wanted to call his daughter 'Margaret' after his sister but Catherine wanted Mary so she called her that.

I tried to accept the name. I knew he was going to choose Henry to tell everyone this is his son. He has done that to all of his sons. Henry Catherine's son who died a month or so after his birth and Bessie Blount's son Henry Friztroy. But I didn't want to think that. Still, I don't think his name is important but the titles Henry gives him. When Mary was the heir he given her the Princess of Wales title but never gave Elizabeth that title. It was now free to be chosen for our son. I will make sure of it. I always suspect Elizabeth never has had that much love from Henry then Mary and I hate it.

When Mary was born Catherine was younger then me. So he over looked the gender he just wanted healthy children and he was sure that Catherine would give him a son. Spolier alert. She didn't and now I'm here today. 

I promised him a soon the day we got married and having Elizabeth felt like a betrayal but of course I love her. 

Henry traipse the floor of my chamber with our son in his hands. Surely he will have the title Prince of Wales. The labour was so long and hard, I was starting to feel like death could be the option for this baby. It was harder then Elizabeth's labour. 

"Are you well, love?" Henry finally asked me. That was the first thing he said to me after I gave birth to Elizabeth. Without the love bit. He still refusing to take his eyes away from Henry. 

"I am well, my lord." I nod looking down at my hands. "I haven't been this happy in a while my lord." The last time I felt this happy is when Elizabeth's first words were 'Mama'.

Henry is the first visitor to my bedchamber after the labour wanting to see his son as soon as possible. Maggie had asked for only ladies to be there for the birth last time I gave birth Henry got mad it was a girl her removed everyone away expect for me newly born Elizabeth needed to leave aswell. The first visitor I want now is George. My brother will extremely happy. 


"Mama and baby!" He rushed over and I could smell his breath.

"You're drunk George!" I scoled him 

"Whole of the court is after hearing the news to the new heir raising a drink to our new Prince Henry." He nudges my shoulder 

"And I'm the uncle so..big deal you know?" 

I roll my eyes trying to hold back my laugh.

"No I don't know." My smile fades.

"I swear if Henry is drunk.." I try to stand up and George keeps me down by my head. 

"Easy baby mama!" I can't help but laugh.

"Shut up George." I slap him gently on his face then he laughs grabs my hand slapping me very lightly.

"You scared to hit a girl!?" I bark at him then we laugh together. We had a moment like this as kids when I tried to shout at Mary for stealing my dolls and we ended up fighting and Mary just quietly put them put then back on my bed.

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