Y/n smiles and kicks a little stone out of the way. She snuffles again, scrunching up her nose, and Jennie kind of wants to take a picture of it but obviously doesn't. The last thing she wants is for anyone to suspect anything.

See, the thing is; Jennie isn't in denial about her sexuality.

She knows she likes girls. She had enough boyfriends to come to that conclusion long ago.

She came out to her best friends when she turned eighteen, and told her parents as much two years later, which was approximately when her insomnia started. It's probably connected, somehow, but Jennie doesn't like thinking about it too much.

While Jennie doesn't have a problem with her sexual orientation, and her friends have all been nothing but supportive and accepting about it as well, the same can't be said about her parents.

Her mother started crying when Jennie told them, and her father raised her voice and told her to stop fooling them. They've never had anyone in their family coming forward about something like this and whenever a famous person came out publicly her dad used to sneer at it in distaste and rant on about how kids were going to get brainwashed and think that it was normal and acceptable.

So yeah, Jennie was crapping her pants when she finally scraped up the courage to tell them.

Once her father realized that Jennie was being serious, he told her that she should go and give them some space, so Jennie went back to her own apartment, feeling like she'd swallowed a huge stone and a part of her heart just died.

Her mother came around quicker than Jennie expected her to; she called her a week later, saying she loved her no matter what, assuring her that her father would come to understand as well.

That day has yet to come.

And Jennie has always been a realist; she knows what would happen if these people here found out. Because homosexuals already have it hard in the cities and more westernized places of the country, she doesn't even want to think about the reactions in a tiny, conservative village like this one.

Either Y/n and the other two would just straight up beat her up, or they would tell her to fuck off and stay away from them, and she'd rather not risk any of those things happening.

"Jennie, you still there, girl?" Seokmin shouts, making Jennie startle and realize she's fallen a couple of feet behind the others. "Get down here!"

They're already at the waterfall. Jennie can hear it but it's still covered by the trees and bushes in front of them.

Seokmin curses and shrieks all the way down, grabbing an exasperated looking Nayeon's hand like a lifeline.

"Hey, Jennie, you need help?" Y/n asks, waiting at the bottom with a shit eating grin on her face as she watches Jennie frown at the steep drop in front of her. "Need me to carry you like a princess?"

"Fuck off. I'm maybe just like a head shorter than you," Jennie says and turns around so she can climb down the same way Y/n did.

She doesn't hit the gym four times a week to be called a fucking princess.

Y/n gives her an impressed look when Jennie stands in front of her a minute later. "Not bad, city girl."

"How about you just call me Jennie, okay?"

"I'll think about it."

Y/n grins at her, her nose scrunching up, and Jennie finds herself staring at it for a second too long.

She quickly pushes past Y/n and follows Seokmin further down, willing herself to focus on the pretty nature and not the way Y/n snickers behind her.

The waterfall is really something else. It's hidden between the trees, runs down the massive rocks from a small river somewhere higher up. It's not a big one, that's not what makes it so amazing. It's like someone photoshopped the water, it's that clear and has a strange green tone to it.

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