"Hey, come on," Jennie says. "What am I supposed to do, then? Sit back and watch you work? No way. I'd be bored out of my mind, anyway."

She laughs, her cheeks rosy from the cold morning air outside. "We'll see. Let's have breakfast first, okay?"

Jennie hums and helps her back upstairs despite her protests. She's holding up well for her age, a lot better than most people would, and Jennie feels kind of proud in an odd way.

They eat breakfast in the living room, her grandma watching one of her health and lifestyle related morning shows on the TV where the woman tells the viewers about the benefits of ginger and tumeric while Jennie checks her social media next to her, her mouth stuffed to the brim and her stomach complaining for her to stop putting more food inside her body.

"So, do you have any plans for today?"

Jennie shrugs, wiping her mouth on the back of her hand. "Dunno. I feel weird just walking around on my own."

"Why?" She asks. "You can't get lost, and no one is going to bother you here. All our kids are very well mannered."

Jennie hums, scoffing internally after thinking about the group of peps that sent her those death glares yesterday. "I'm sure they are."

She takes a sip from her tea and gives her a long look. "Did you go outside last night?"

Jennie gulps and looks up at her innocently. "I'm sorry. I tried to be quiet."

"That's fine, Jennie." She shakes her head. "But what did you do outside so late? I was worried."

"Did mom not tell you?" Jennie asks after a moment of hesitation.

"Tell me what?"

Jennie has an inner conflict whether she should tell her or not. People tend to make a bigger deal out of it than it is and she definitely doesn't want to worry her when there isn't anything to worry about. "I've been having trouble sleeping, but it's nothing bad. I go out to run because it tires me out and helps me sleep."

As expected, a frown appears on her face. "That's not good, dear. How long has this been going on?"

Jennie chuckles and shrugs. "Half a year?"

She shakes her head. "Is that why you're taking a break from your studies? When I asked your mother she only said that you're currently not going to school but wouldn't tell me why."

"Yeah," Jennie mumbles, averting her eyes. "My doctor recommended me to take a semester off. Look, grandma, I swear it's already getting better. It's just stress-related."

She doesn't look convinced at all, the concern still apparent in her eyes. "I'll make you some tea to calm your nerves tonight. You'll sleep like a baby! Don't sneak out anymore, it's dangerous out here at night."

She chuckles and nods her head to humour her. She's tried everything there is under the sun, she doubts some organic tea will help much. "Yeah, okay."

Jennie helps her clean the table (and they nearly get into a physical fight over it because she's so adamant on not letting her work) and decides to just go out on her own and kill some time, taking Kuma with her to keep her company after checking with her grandmother.

She sees a lot of people guiding their cattle through the village, all of them shooting her smiles like they've known her their entire lives, and Jennie doesn't really know how to handle all the warmth and love people seem to be giving out in this village. People in the city are so busy and closed off they'd probably think you're crazy if you gave strangers a smile on the streets.

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