Take Me or Leave Me

Start from the beginning

Nyssa was furious, but she wouldn't risk Sara getting hurt. She would just have to find another opportunity to save her.

"Take them to the van."

"Her too?" One asked of Nyssa.

"Yeah. Maybe we can get something with her."

They were gagged and tied up, then taken to an abandoned building. It seems like an old factory of some sort. There they were met by another man who appeared to be the leader of the group.

"Welcome. Let's cut to the chase, shall we? I need you to call your daddy, Ms. Lance."

Sara spat on the guy that removed her gag and got a backhanded slap in return. Nyssa strained herself from her bindings trying to get up.

"Don't you dare lay a hand on her!"

"Ooh. Interesting. Girlfriend?"

Neither of them answered.

"None of my concern. I need you to call you daddy, now."

They dialed the number from her phone and placed it next to her ear.

"Hey, baby. What is it?" Detective Lance answered on the other end.

"Hey, dad. I..."

"Hello, Det. Lance. I have your daughter. If you don't comply with my demands, I will kill her and her friends."

"Keith Logan, you son of a bitch! Don't you dare touch her!"

"Good. You remember me."

"I will find you and lock you up like your brother!"

"Speaking of my brother. If you want your daughter back in one piece, get my brother to me by midnight."

He hung up and threw Sara's phone against the wall, crushing it.

"Now, for these three, get their information and maybe we'll get cash out of them."

They searched them one by one for identification and called their parents for ransom, except for Nyssa. She never carried any ID with her for times like this.

"Okay. What's your name, kid? We just want to call you parents and see if they want you back."

"You won't get anything from me."

"We just need your name and I'll figure out the rest."

"You wouldn't want my name."

"Why is that?"

"When I tell you my name, I guarantee you your deaths."

"Is that so? Okay. I'll play along. I'll give you time to think about your next choice of words and leave you and your friends for a while. When I get back, I want your daddy's name and number."

He was about to leave, then he turned back around to Nyssa once more.

"I heard you like stabbing my men. How about this?" He took out a knife and stabbed it to Nyssa's leg. She winced a little but kept her eye on the man.

"Wow. You're one tough cookie. Maybe that'll get you thinking."

He left with the knife still stuck in Nyssa's leg.

Sara's face was drained of color as she looked at the knife in her leg.

"You should have just left." She mumbled.

"What?" Max and Rebecca asked in unison.

"You should have just left the restaurant when they told you to."

"And leave you there on your own? Those men have been following you. They were by your house."

"How do you... Were you following me?"

"And it seems to be the right choice."

"Getting yourself taken with us is the right choice?! You're unbelievable."

"I will get us out of here."

"There's five, six of them."


"Seven! God, how? Tell me, Nyssa. How? Please just don't and let my dad handle things."

"It will take them a while to track us down. And they won't allow him to trade a convicted criminal away."

"Why can't you just stay away?"

Sara doesn't know what she had meant by that. If she wants Nyssa to leave because she's getting herself hurt from always trying to save her or for her to leave completely because she just doesn't want her there.

"I know you don't trust me, but I am your only way out."

They heard something crack.

"What was that?" Max asked.

"My thumb." Nyssa slid out her hand from its binding behind her back to free herself. She then replaced her thumb to its position, making the girls flinch. She took out the knife from her thigh and used it to cut the ties on her feet.

She walked to Sara and knelt down in front of her, so they were eye level with each other.

"I know I promised I would stay away, but I also made a promise to myself that I will always protect you, and that weighs more to me. I'm leaving for Nanda Parbat in three days, if you really want me gone, let me know, and you will never see me ever again. I give you my word. But you'll have to convince me."

"That I want you gone? I want you gone, Nyssa."

"No, Sara. I need you to convince me that you don't love me."

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